
Diseño de antenas (Antenna Design)

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


About this course

This is an antenna design course, thought to be taught during six weeks with a charge of 24 hours of lectures, 4 hours for consultations, and 4 hours for evaluation. This course will be approved by the realization of an antenna design project, the writing of a document about this design in paper format and the oral presentation of this work.

The responsible for this course is Dr.-Ing. Benigno Rodríguez at FING/UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay. For any question you can contact him by email writing to: benigno@fing.edu.uy .

Main topics

TABLE OF CONTENT 1.- Antenna Theory and Propagation (3h) 1.1.- Antenna Introduction 1.2.- Antenna Parameters 1.3.- General Concepts of Propagation 1.4.- Friis Transmission Equation 1.5.- Fresnel 1.6.- Propagation Mechanisms 2.- Antenna Design (5h) 2.1.- Introduction to Antenna Design 2.2.- The Dipole 2.3.- Introduction to CST 2.4.- Design and Simulation of the Dipole with CST 2.5.- SPIDA Antenna Design 2.6.- Patch Antenna Design 2.7.- Rectenna Design 3.- Array Antenna Theory (3h) 3.1.- Basic Array Antenna Theory 3.2.- Basic Array Antenna Simulation with CST 3.3.- Deeper Array Antenna Simulation with CST 4.- Array Antenna Design (5h) 4.1.- Fundamentals on Patch Antenna Design 4.2.- Patch Antenna Design in CST 4.3.- Design of a Patch Antenna Array in CST 5.- Antenna Size Reduction (2h) 5.1.- Introduction to Size Reduction Techniques 5.2.- Size Reduction by Embedding in High REP Materials 6.- Antenna Fabrication (2h) 6.2.- General Considerations 6.3.- Materials and Tools 6.4.- Example of a Constructed Antenna 7.- Antenna Characterization (4h) 7.1.- Anechoic Chambers and TEM Cells 7.2.- Characterization without Using Anechoic Chambers or TEM Cells

What you will learn

The objective is to offer a small antenna design course, using a professional tool for this such as Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software.

This course aims to provide theoretical and practical training in the design, construction and measurement (characterization) of antennas.

What you will need:

Previous knowledge required: A first course in antennas and propagation.

Recommended previous knowledge: Basic knowledge of Electronics (theoretical and practical).

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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