
Simple app to view merchants' inventory

Primary LanguagePython

ZenInventory: For Your Business's Peace of Mind


ZenInventory is a simple Flask web app that allows a merchant to view inventory via the Clover API.

The goal is to explore Clover's OAUTH 2.0 and API endpoints.

Suggestions are welcome!


To install ZenInventory on your local machine:

Clone this repo.

$ git clone https://github.com/neonbadger/ZenInventory.git

Create a virtual environment for the project.

$ virtualenv env

Install dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Apply for a developer account from Clover.

Store the APP_ID, APP_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, and MERCHANT_ID in a shell script (i.e. secrets.sh). Then source it.

$ source secrets.sh

Run the app on your local machine. The default port is 5000.

$ python main.py


  • Dynamic routing for individual inventory item
  • Update inventory from the app
  • Visualize item stocks
  • Testing