Connect to Neon PostgreSQL from serverless/worker/edge functions
- 1
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Inserting Buffer / ArrayBuffer values for BYTEA fields are corrupt under HTTP client
#118 opened by andyjy - 2
- 0
Dynamic identifiers such as schema or table name
#120 opened by kevbook - 8
- 0
Incorrect typing of authToken option
#111 opened by andyjy - 0
- 5
How to insert multiple rows at once using sql`...` ?
#113 opened by moroshko - 5
Postgres.js variant
#99 opened by uncomplexity - 0
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Dates from generate_series returned as string / different handling than pg does
#90 opened by joergjaeckel - 1
- 0
Property 'startTransaction' is missing in type 'PrismaNeon' but required in type 'DriverAdapter'.
#105 opened by landry-fairwinds - 1
Allow users to override `fetchFunction` and `fetchEndpoint` per instance.
#103 opened by nicksrandall - 1
OTEL tracing in driver
#100 opened by IAmJSD - 5
GA/1.0 release
#94 opened by jawj - 1
- 2
Json fields returning as string and not object
#88 opened by taylormm - 5
WebSockets connections issues arraybuffer?
#77 opened by webdeb - 1
NeonDbError does not have the new types in build
#86 opened by sabercoy - 3
Relation does not exist in Deno Deploy sometimes
#81 opened by w7it - 8
Transactions not working in Node 20
#76 opened by jakeleventhal - 3
How to use serverless in the browser?
#80 opened by ceving - 3
The "neon" and "Pool" methods of querying do not return the same error information
#51 opened by sabercoy - 4
Cryptic prepared statement errors
#53 opened by ffxsam - 2
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Consider proxy monitoring on status page
#47 opened by jansuchomel - 7
Improve bundle size
#48 opened by DavidRouyer - 5
Cloudflare Pages with Functions yields "NeonDbError: Error connecting to database: Reflect.get called on non-object"
#58 opened by Gregoor - 2
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Connected to PostgreSQL database error
#70 opened by zhongzhuhua - 2
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Password authentication failed for user 'X' while using connection string in 0.8.0
#61 opened by zolboo-gtn - 6
Named export `Client` broken in `^0.7.0`
#57 opened by emmbm - 3
- 4
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Client') error in Next.js when `.mjs` files are configured to be handled by Webpack
#54 opened by joulev - 1
What is the correct way to avoid sql injections for client and pool queries?
#52 opened by DrevaSergii - 3
- 6
Any way to connect from localhost?
#33 opened by cosbgn - 4
No such module
#46 opened by jnthnclrk - 2
Issues when connecting @neondatabase/serverless WebSocket Proxy with Cloudlfare Durable Objects
#45 opened by TimoWilhelm - 2
NeonDbError: Error connecting to database: fetch is not defined - In Google Cloud Functions framework local development.
#44 opened by williamlmao - 7
Suggestion: wake() function
#36 opened by skybrian - 1
- 3
NeonDbError: response too large
#41 opened by maccman - 3
Export NeonDbError
#42 opened by tmrclark - 3
httpQuery is broken in cloudflare workers.
#35 opened by nicksrandall - 2
Override fetch function for SQL-over-HTTP
#34 opened by TimoWilhelm