
Xcode 6 plugin which allows usage of custom frameworks inside Playgrounds.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

As of Xcode 6 Beta 5, this plugin no longer needed to use custom frameworks inside Playgrounds. This repository is just here for historical purposes.

To use custom frameworks, simply put your Playground in the same Xcode project as your framework target, see this as an example.

Contentful Playground in Xcode

Xcode 6 plugin which allows usage of custom frameworks inside Playgrounds. Currently, this only supports OS X Playgrounds.

Place your own frameworks into $HOME/Library/Developer/Playground Frameworks and they will be automatically picked up. You can also place them next to whatever .playground bundle you are opening and they will be loaded.

There is a quick installation script, which will give you the plugin, the Contentful SDK and a Documentation Playground for that, so that you have a demo of the usefulness of this. Just run:

curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/neonichu/BBUToyUnboxing/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh

and you are good.

If you are interested in the behind the scenes stuff, check out slides of my talk at NSLondon or visit my upcoming talk at SwiftCrunch.

Note: The plugin ships with a pre-built version of libPlaygroundInjector.dylib which will be placed inside the plugin bundle. If you build it yourself using the corresponding target, this version will be preferred instead of the binary version. It is just there to make the installation via Alcatraz possible.



  • Clone and build the plugin yourself, it will be installed to the right location automatically by building it.



  • Use the quick installation script:

      curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/neonichu/BBUToyUnboxing/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh

In any case, relaunch Xcode to load it.

Because it will modify functionality of plugins which are not initially loaded by Xcode, there is a slight delay of 5 seconds before the magic happens. If you launch Xcode with a new Playground directly, the plugin might not yet be ready.

Help needed

Follow @NeoNacho to help me beat @orta in followers count.


Many thanks to Sam Marshall for his initial research on the topic. Also to Daniel Haight for some random ideas he gave me :).