
A simple way to get started with rust with vsc and docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fast and portable way to get started with rust using Visual Studio Code IDE in the browser via a simple docker pattern. No assembly required - the only dependencies are a browser of your choice and having docker and docker-compose installed on your local machine.

A similar but different pattern that keeps rust in a separate container using a docker-in-docker pattern can be found in this branch.

Alternatively, if you a simple but powerful vim setup can be found in this branch.

Getting started with VSC in browser

After pulling the repository, cd into and spinup the compose file by typing

docker-compose up -d

Running this the first time will pull the associated docker image.

Once the compose spinup process is complete, open your browser of choice and type the following into the address bar


This will open up password prompt to enter your VSC container in the browser. The starting password is


You should adjust this password in


Any installed VSC extensions you install can be found locally on your machine at


Any Rust projects you create in VSC will also be stored locally at


Getting started with Rust

Open a terminal in VSC, and cd to the /projects directory. This directory contains the primary Rust docker-compose file.

To start a new test rust project cd into the /projects and type

cargo new hello_world

After the binary for this test project is completed, cd into the new hello_world directory and type

cargo run

to compile and run the project's binary. You should see successful result

   Compiling hello_world v0.1.0 (/projects/hello_world)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 7.02s
     Running `target/debug/hello_world`