
MATLAB-based GUI for investigation of garNET results

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Welcome to garNET_explorer repository


garNET_explorer is a MATLAB app for the vizualisation and classification of garnet shapes.


garNET_explorer is compatible with MATLAB r2022b and r2023a. This version can only be used in MATLAB. The MATLAB image processing toolbox is required to use garNET_explorer.


Installation steps:

  • Download the latest release
  • Open MATLAB
  • Open the package garNET_explorer.mlappinstall to install the app

How to get started?

  • Open MATLAB and navigate to your working directory. This directory should contain a folder grain_arrays with the data (npy files)
  • Select the tab APP in MATLAB and open garNET_explorer
  • Import grains via the menu



Python input files are read using npy-matlab