
Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


You can reach me on https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=109808

Donate for my work if you like it and use it

CHNcoin to CetTdSEEERtWSrDb2kCqGZpb7TjtaBacpo

Feathercoin to 6vmP85BVbP51eSp1zCQn3xns1D8JWWSAbV

Bitcoin to 1NyfKgd29XAHkZhjFZbTWhz1YKQX2Dwtrg

Litecoin to LbRt6djFknA8ZLYGAdp5eb48rVR1xxCuQT

It took a bit of work and lot's of time



  • Feathercoin >=0.6.4
  • Python
  • Twisted
  • python-argparse (for Python <=2.6)


  • sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web
  • sudo apt-get install python-argparse # if on Python 2.6 or older


Running P2Pool:

To use P2Pool, you must be running your own local bitcoind. For standard configurations, using P2Pool should be as simple as:

python run_p2pool.py

Then run your miner program, connecting to on port 9332 with any username and password.

If you are behind a NAT, you should enable TCP port forwarding on your router. Forward port 9333 to the host running P2Pool.

Aslo open p2p port based on your coin. So other nodes can connect to you Look networks.py for ports under P2P_PORT for the coin you rune

Run for additional options.

python run_p2pool.py --help

Donations towards further development:


Official wiki :


Alternate web front end :

Notes for Feathercoin:


In order to run P2Pool with the Feathercoin network, you would need to build and install the ltc_scrypt module that includes the scrypt proof of work code that Feathercoin uses for hashes.


cd litecoin_scrypt
sudo python setup.py install

Windows (mingw):

In bash type this:

cd litecoin_scrypt
C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install

Windows (microsoft visual c++)

  • Open visual studio console

In bash type this:

SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS%	           # For visual c++ 2012
SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS100COMNTOOLS%             # For visual c++ 2010
cd litecoin_scrypt
C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install

If you run into an error with unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin', see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034390/compiling-with-cython-and-mingw-produces-gcc-error-unrecognized-command-line-o

Running P2Pool for Feathercoin:

Run P2Pool with the "--net feathercoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 19327. Forward port 19339 to the host running P2Pool.

Running P2Pool for CHNcoin:

Run P2Pool with the "--net chncoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 8109. Forward port 8107 to the host running P2Pool.

Running P2Pool for BBQcoin:

Run P2Pool with the "--net bbqcoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 8109. Forward port 8107 to the host running P2Pool.

Running P2Pool for Junkcoin:

Run P2Pool with the "--net junkcoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 19327. Forward port 19339 to the host running P2Pool.

Note: Fork is based on newest p2pool base I will try to update with new altcoins if needed