This small utility allows you to create configuration files with Javascript and convert them to YAML files on the fly.
To get started, you have to provide a configuration file (e.g. js2yaml.config.js
). E.g. the following configuration converts Javascript to YAML for Magnolia CMS:
module.exports = [
watch: "../magnolia/light-modules/**/*.js",
processor: {
// Process incoming JSON (optional)
json: (json) => {
return json
// Process resulting YAML (optional)
yaml: (yaml) => {
return (
"# This file has been auto-generated.\n" +
.replace(/"!content-type": /g, "!content-type:")
.replace(/"!inherit": /g, "!inherit:")
.replace(/!override:/g, ": !override")
// Process resulting filename (optional)
file: (file) => {
return file
Now you can start the file watching process via:
node index.js js2yaml.config.js