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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 1 column 45
title: Open Timing Analysis Platform Project: LLVM ALF Backend

LLVM ALF Backend

This document explains how to

  • obtain the LLVM -> ALF translator
  • build it
  • use it

Tested on OS X 10.7 and 32-bit Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are currently developing against LLVM 3.4

Getting It

# clone ALF-llvm
git clone https://github.com/visq/ALF-llvm.git
pushd ALF-llvm/tools

# [ALF-llvm/tools/] clone clang (C/C++ frontend)
git clone http://llvm.org/git/clang.git
cd clang

# [ALF-llvm/tools/clang/] synchronize with the llvm version (currently: release 3.4)
git checkout remotes/origin/release_34 -b release_34

Whenever ALF-llvm has been updated, do the following to get these updates:

# [ALF-llvm/] pull latest changes
git pull


To build llvm (and clang), either run

# using cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake <path-to-ALF-llvm>


# [ALF-llvm/] configure and build LLVM
./configure --enable-assertions && make

Setting things up

Add the LLVM binaries to your PATH environment variable.

# [ALF-llvm/] add LLVM binaries (in build or ./Debug or ./Debug+Asserts) to your PATH
export PATH=$(dirname $(find $(pwd) -wholename '*/bin/llc')):${PATH}

You need to use a frontend to obtain LLVM bitcode. Here is the recommended way to translate C to bitcode using clang. Note that four standard transformations are run to simplify the translator and improve its effectiveness (mem2reg, instcombine, instsimplify, instnamer).

# From C code ($f.c) to LLVM bitcode ($f.ll)
clang -Wall -emit-llvm -S -o - $f.c | \
opt -mem2reg -instcombine -instsimplify -instnamer | \
llvm-dis -o $f.ll


The LLVM backend driver llc is used to generate ALF code. Here are the relevant options:

  • -alf-ignore-volatiles

    Ignore volatile modifier for loads and stores (default=false)

  • -alf-memory-areas=<string>

    Comma-separated list of memory ranges, accessed using absolute addresses (e.g., 0x0-0xe,0x30-0x40). If no memory areas are specified, one infinite size frame $mem is used, otherwise the frames have the specified sizes and are called $mem_<ix> ($mem_0,$mem_1,etc.)

  • -alf-standalone

    Define stubs for undefined functions and define common frames, instead of importing them.

  • -alf-target-data=<string>

    Target data string for ALF code generation, specifying for example data alignment or the size of pointers (default: HOST)

  • -alf-map-file=<filename>

    Generate a file filename containing mappings from ALF code labels to source code positions.

Example Usage

Here is an example of using the translator:

llc -march=alf -alf-standalone -alf-memory-areas=0x0000-0x1000 -o test.alf test.ll

When analyzing the ALF modules using SWEET, you need to specify the entry point. C names should directly correspond to ALF names. Furthermore, you have to specify vola=t to correctly interpret volatile memory accesses. Here is an example:

sweet -i=test.alf func=main -ae ffg=ub vola=t pu css -f co

There are a few simple tests in test/ALF. The tests can be executed as follows (starting in llvm directory):

# [llvm/] Add LLVM bin directory to PATH
export PATH=$(dirname $(find $(pwd) -wholename '*/bin/llc')):${PATH}

# [llvm/] test directory for ALF
cd test/ALF/harness

# [llvm/test/ALF/harness] Test Harness
# Runs a set of tests and checks the expected number of failures
# Assumes there is a 'sweet' program available
bash run_tests

Note that .ll files contain disassembled LLVM bitcode. To get from C to bitcode, you need a C frontend for LLVM, such as clang or dragonegg.

# [llvm/test/ALF/harness] generate bitcode
clang -Wall -emit-llvm -S -o - array.c | \
    opt -mem2reg -instcombine -instsimplify -instnamer | \
    llvm-dis -o array.ll

# [llvm/test/ALF/harness] generate ALF code
llc -march=alf -o array.alf array.ll

# [llvm/test/ALF/harness] analyze using sweet (single path mode)
sweet -i=array.alf func=main -ae ffg=ub vola=t pu css -f co

Identifier Mapping

The LLVM->ALF translator uses a predictable naming scheme for ALF labels, which makes it easy to interpret the resulting flow facts with respect to the bitcode. Below we describe the translation of labels, where

alf-name = T(llvm-name)
  • LLVM Function func-name

    In ALF: The label for function func-name T(func-name) = "func-name"

  • LLVM Basic Block block-name in function func-name

    In ALF: The first label in the single-entry ALF region corresponding to the basic block T(block-name,func-name) = "func-name::block-name"

  • i^th LLVM instruction in a basic block

    In ALF: The first label in the single-entry ALF region corresponding to the instruction T(i, block-name, func-name) = "func-name::block-name::i"

  • Edges from branch instruction f:bb:i to successor succ-block'

    T(succ-block,i,block-name,func-name) = "func-name::block-name::i::succ-block"

  • Internal ALF basic blocks and internal (j>1)^th ALF statement (used to translate complex LLVM instructions with no 1-1 correspondence)

    T(j, llvm-part) = "${T(llvm-part)}:::j" T(j, branch-label, llvm-part) = "${T(llvm-part)}:::branch-label:::j"

Summarizing: The LLVM part and the ALF-internal part is separated by :::. The LLVM part consists of up to 4 parts separated by :: (function,block,instruction, edge). The first label corresponding to a LLVM block and LLVM instruction do not have an internal part, and consist of two and three LLVM parts, respectively.