Built in under 24 hours for the Facebook Seattle Regional Hackathon. Won 2nd place.
Please don't push to master. Make a branch and make changes there.
GET /api/reviews
with artist_id
as a parameter – get a review by its id
POST /api/reviews
with artist_id, creator, rating, review_body, and event_id
in body – post a new review
PUT /api/reviews/:id
– modify a new review by id
DELETE /api/reviews/:id
– delete a review by id
GET /api/artists
– get all artists
GET /api/artists
with artist_id
as a parameter – get a review by its id
POST /api/artists
with artist_id
in body – post a new review
PUT /api/artists/:id
– modify a new review by id
DELETE /api/artists/:id
as a parameter – delete a review by id