
NearByLocation Web app using Foursquare API v2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NearByLocation Web app using Foursquare API v2. This is a small sized web application which can be fit inside a larger app. The app is developed with scalibility and testability in mind.


Below are some of the instructions on runing the web app locally (recommended as it always has the latest updates and the user can run tests)

  • Run bower install and npm install to install bower and node dependencies
  • Remember to enter your secretID inside src/scripts/constants.js
  • Open the index-main.html on a web (local) server to run the app.
  • Optionally, remember to click on "Share location" so that the browser can detect your location.
  • Run karma start or grunt test to run the tests.
  • karma.conf.js stores the karma config. Currently it uses PhantomJS, a headless browser, to run unit test. You can configure it to be Firefox or Chrome to your preference in the browsers property. If you choose Chrome, you have to also install chrome launcher for karma by issuing npm install karma-chrome-launcher

Main Dependencies

As can be seen in package.json and bower.json, the develop stacks includes:

  • Dependencies for frontend development: angularjs, angular-route, angularjs-geolocation, angular-animate, jquery, bootstrap
  • Dependencies for unit & E2E/acceptance testing: angular-mocks, protractor, karma, jasmine, phantomjs, karma-coverage (istanbul)
  • The project also employes Travis for CI and Grunt for automated buid tool system.