[live][live] [live]: http://scottYup.com/
I will make a yelp clone. Users can:
- Create accounts and sign in
- Add a profile picture
- Edit profile information
- View businesses
- Browse businesses by category
- Search for businesses
- Filter search results
- Rate and review businesses
- Edit ratings and reviews
Users will be able to sign up and sign in, and have a basic profile page. There will also be enough seed data so that app can be used in a meaningful way. By the end of this phase, the app will have been pushed to Heroku.
Businesses can be viewed regardless of log-in status. There will be API routes to show json data for businesses and reviews, and the business collection and model will fetch from these routes.
Logged-in users will be able to write and edit reviews. I will add a Backbone ReviewsIndexItem view so that reviews can be seen on a business show page.
The home page will allow users to browse and pick businesses by categories. I will add a search route to the BusinessesController and a Backbone BusinessIndexItem view so that searched businesses can be displayed.
The index page will show search results and will allow filtering by most reviewed, highest rated, date, category, and price. I will create a navbar header so users can search by keywords, as well as a Backbone SearchResults view to display BusinessIndexItem subviews.
On the search results page, there will be a map with pointers to all the businesses listed on that page. There will also be a map on each businesses' show page.
- Pagination
- Friending / Following
- Type-ahead search bar
- Feedback for reviews
- Filter reviews
- Filter businesses by distance
- Allow users to add pictures to businesses