single file mode: root directory not found with Netrw "scp://" buffer
mattthhh opened this issue · 2 comments
mattthhh commented
Hello, i'm using a lot scp to open and editing my files remotely. To open them, I always precise the path of the remote file in the CLI as : nvim scp://remoteserv/file.txt
But when I do this, my LSP doesn't load and I think this is because it cannot find the root directory (or getting to single file mode). That is the output of my LspInfo :
lspconfig: require("").check()
LSP configs active in this session (globally)
- Configured servers: pylsp
- OK Deprecated servers: (none)
LSP configs active in this buffer (id=1)
- Language client log: ~/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log
- Detected filetype: python
- 0 client(s) attached to this buffer
- Other clients that match the "python" filetype:
- Config: pylsp
filetypes: python
root directory: ~/Not found.
cmd: ~/.local/bin/pylsp
cmd is executable: true
autostart: true
custom handlers:
Is there a way to fix that ?
justinmk commented
Possibly could be handled by single-file mode.
The larger topic of remote handling is tracked in neovim/neovim#21635
slaweallx commented
hmm. to enable LSP to detect the root directory when opening files with scp:// in Neovim, activate single-file mode or manually set the root_dir parameter...