Pinned issues
- 2
Existing language server instances with different `root_dir`s are reused, out of accordance with lspconfig's documentation
#3531 opened by andrewbraxton - 9
Migrate to vim.lsp.config (non-breaking)
#3494 opened by justinmk - 1
- 1
`handlers` feature doesn't work in `ruff` configuration
#3530 opened by Jaehaks - 3
No language servers are being started for any language
#3526 opened by chrispyles - 9
bug(lua_ls): incorrect root_dir due to early return when root_files is found which ignore longer root_git (and root_lua)
#3508 opened by mangkoran - 0
autostart=false doesn't have any effect
#3519 opened by kStor2poche - 1
gopls removes all comments if 'C' package is imported
#3518 opened by roskee - 14
- 7
LspInfo for Java based LSP shows OpenJDK version (use `serverInfo.version` instead?)
#3509 opened by schrieveslaach - 3
Error: [lspconfig] unhandled error: vim/fs.lua:0: path: expected string, got function
#3512 opened by igorgue - 5
- 2
- 0
- 4
- 5
- 11
symlink'd clients no longer attaching/connecting
#3485 opened by seanenck - 10
LspInfo: "Failed to get version" with bash-language-server
#3453 opened by yb66 - 0
[Deprecated] typst-lsp server
#3492 opened by Dioprz - 1
bufls is deprecated, use bufls instead
#3421 opened by supengchuan - 2
- 2
Editor is interrupted by log rust-analyzer log messages
#3410 opened by vikulikov - 0
docs: move wiki to docs
#3473 opened by justinmk - 1
[BUG]: dirname and sanitize were just removed from path instead of being deprecated
#3472 opened by kapral18 - 1
`require('lspconfig').ts_ls.setup {}` attaches two `ts_ls` language servers to the buffer
#3465 opened by insidewhy - 1
after refactor server attach another project which does not support workspaceFolder
#3461 opened by glepnir - 9
- 1
Commit fe88eade4ab50fca9ace99205cad1d91645ed9e8 makes neovim to connect to same lsp multiple times..
#3458 opened by Nirajgns - 1
dartls: writing hebrew in multiline strings causes error
#3455 opened by eifr - 1
- 1
ansiblels ansible.validation.lint.enabled doesn't work
#3446 opened by daniyl-x - 2
sourcekit lsp too slow
#3445 opened by BingCoke - 7
Border for `vim.lsp.buf.hover` doesn't appear
#3425 opened by wojciech-kulik - 2
cant not use `LspStop`
#3419 opened by samarth-na - 2
- 1
- 0
`ruff` settings doesn't accept lint rules
#3424 opened by sahashirshendu - 1
configuring eslint/noConfig handler ?
#3413 opened by davidosomething - 4
tailwindcss: 'on_attach' user callback never called
#3415 opened by fnune - 5
config "jdtls" not found
#3412 opened by 93mmm - 4
LspInfo has no border
#3405 opened by sahashirshendu - 0
lint: require table keys to be sorted
#3409 opened by justinmk - 2
- 4
- 1
cmd should automatically try `.cmd` / `.exe` on Windows
#3395 opened by justinmk - 2
html-lsp: "cannot read null 'validProperties'" when opening a html file with CSS <style> tag
#3393 opened by adamrokickirns - 4
#3387 opened by asfand0223 - 7
- 2
- 1
html customData Config void
#3380 opened by kola-web