An SBT plugin for managing Docker images within Amazon ECR.
- Create ECR repositories using
- Login to the remote registry using
- Push local images using
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.mintbeans" % "sbt-ecr" % "0.5.0")
Add ECR settings to your build.sbt
. The following snippet assumes a Docker image build using sbt-native-packager:
import com.amazonaws.regions.{Region, Regions}
region in ecr := Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1)
repositoryName in ecr := (packageName in Docker).value
localDockerImage in ecr := (packageName in Docker).value + ":" + (version in Docker).value
version in ecr := (version in Docker).value
// Create the repository before authentication takes place (optional)
login in ecr <<= (login in ecr) dependsOn (createRepository in ecr)
// Authenticate and publish a local Docker image before pushing to ECR
push in ecr <<= (push in ecr) dependsOn (publishLocal in Docker, login in ecr)