
Welcome To Git Tutorial

These are the course content that were used in a git workshop conducted by me.

Table of Content

  1. A Bit of History.
  2. Introduction about Git & How its superior
  3. How to Install Git on Windows, Linux, Mac
  4. GUI Tools For Git
  5. Your First Project
  6. Using Git Status, log, add, commit command
  7. Undoing Changes safely using revert, reset, checkout
  8. Branching and Merging (Create/Remove a branch, Switch to a branch, )
  9. Resolving merge conflicts.
  10. Git Workflows Using github or bitbucket (Centralised Workflow, Forking Workflow, Feature Branching Workflow)
You can read it

If you want you can use it with due credits to me by Placing my Name (Napoleon Arouldas @indianwebdevil) and my startup


  1. python
  2. mkdocs package from

How To Use it

The site folder contains all the html files and you can view in any browsers

  1. You can clone it
  2. cd git-tutorial/site/

To Edit

  1. You can clone it
  2. cd git-tutorial
  3. Its all in markdown format

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