
Redis Client based on BookSleeve.

Primary LanguageC#


Redis Client based on BookSleeve. Features: connection management, serialize/deserialize to object, key distribute and configuration. And includes Redis Profiler for Glimpse. The concept is distributed collection inspired by Cloud Collection(System.Cloud.Collections.IAsyncList[T], etc...) of ActorFx.

Why use CloudStructures?

BookSleeve is pure, low level library. It is Redis driver like ADO.NET. CloudStructures is O/R(Object/Redis) Mapper like Dapper.


using with NuGet, CloudStructures

PM> Install-Package CloudStructures


// Server of Redis
public static class RedisServer
    public static readonly RedisSettings Default = new RedisSettings("");

// a class
public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

// Redis String
var redis = new RedisString<Person>(RedisServer.Default, "test-string-key");
await redis.Set(new Person { Name = "John", Age = 34 });

var copy = await redis.GetValueOrDefault();

// Redis list
var redis = new RedisList<Person>(RedisServer.Default, "test-list-key");
await redis.AddLast(new Person { Name = "Tom" });
await redis.AddLast(new Person { Name = "Mary" });

var persons = await redis.Range(0, 10);

// and others - Set, SortedSet, Hash, Dictionary(Generic Hash), Class(Object-Hash-Mapping)


// Represents of Redis settings
var settings = new RedisSettings(host: "", port: 6379, db: 0);

// BookSleeve's threadsafe connection
// keep single connection and re-connect when disconnected
var conn = settings.GetConnection();

// multi group of connections
var group = new RedisGroup(groupName: "Cache", settings: new[]
    new RedisSettings(host: "", port: 6379, db: 0),
    new RedisSettings(host: "", port: 6379, db: 0),

// key hashing
var conn = group.GetSettings("hogehoge-100").GetConnection();

// customize serializer(default as JSON, and option includes protocol-buffers)
new RedisSettings("", converter: new JsonRedisValueConverter());
new RedisSettings("", converter: new ProtoBufRedisValueConverter());

PubSub -> Observable

Experimental feature, CloudStructures with Reactive Extensions. RedisSubject is ISubject = IObservable and IObserver. Observer publish message to Redis PubSub Channnel. Observable subscribe to Redis PubSub Channel.

using with NuGet(Including PreRelease), CloudStructures-Rx

PM> Install-Package CloudStructures-Rx -Pre
// RedisSubject as ISubject<T>
var subject = new RedisSubject<string>(RedisServer.Default, "PubSubTest");

// subject as IObservable<T> and Subscribe to Redis PubSub Channel
var a = subject
    .Select(x => DateTime.Now.Ticks + " " + x)
    .Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x));

var b = subject
    .Where(x => !x.StartsWith("A"))
    .Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x), () => Console.WriteLine("completed!"));

// subject as IObserver and OnNext/OnError/OnCompleted publish to Redis PubSub Channel


a.Dispose(); // Unsubscribe is Dispose
subject.OnCompleted(); // if receive OnError/OnCompleted then subscriber is unsubscribed


load configuration from web.config or app.config

    <section name="cloudStructures" type="CloudStructures.Redis.CloudStructuresConfigurationSection, CloudStructures" />

        <group name="cache">
            <add host="" />
            <add host="" port="1000" />
        <group name="session">
            <add host="" db="2" valueConverter="CloudStructures.Redis.ProtoBufRedisValueConverter, CloudStructures" />
// load configuration from .config
var groups = CloudStructuresConfigurationSection.GetSection().ToRedisGroups();

group attributes are "host, port, ioTimeout, password, maxUnsent, allowAdmin, syncTimeout, db, valueConverter, commandTracer".
It is same as RedisSettings except commandTracer.


CloudStructures has Redis Profiler for Glimpse. - Glimpse.CloudStructures.Redis

PM> Install-Package Glimpse.CloudStructures.Redis

Setup Glimpse and add config with RedisProfiler for example

    <group name="Demo">
    <add host="" db="0" commandTracer="Glimpse.CloudStructures.Redis.RedisProfiler, Glimpse.CloudStructures.Redis" />

You can see Redis Tab on Glimpse.

Command, Key, Sent/Received Object as JSON, Duration. If duplicate command and key then show warn(Icon and Orange Text).

And Timeline, can visualise parallel access.

Sample is avaliable on this Repositry, CloudStructures.Demo.Mvc.

Who is using this?

CloudStructures is in production use at Grani
Grani is top social game developer in Japan(and I'm CTO at Grani).
The game is developed by C# 5.0 + ASP.NET MVC 5 on AWS(Windows Server + RDS(MySQL) + Redis).
The game use redis massively heavy, hundreds of thousands of message per second.


2013-11-16 ver 0.6.1

  • fix, Configuration's GetElementKey take uniq by Host, Port, Db.

2013-11-15 ver 0.6.0

  • add, Glimpse.CloudStructures.Redis
  • improved, connection waitOpen use syncTimeout.
  • improved, can monitor RedisConnection event(Open/Close/Error/Shutdown) on RedisSettings.
  • fix bugs, List.AddFirstAndFixLength is always trimed right length -1.
  • breaking changes, ICommandTracer receive many extra key(settings, sentObject, receivedObject).


under MIT License