
Set up a persistent tunnel (using autossh) in Ubuntu systems (client side)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Set up a persistent tunnel (using autossh) in Ubuntu systems (client side).




  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_debug: [default: 1]: If this variable is set, the logging level is set to LOG_DEBUG

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_first_poll: [default: 30]: Specifies the time to wait before the first connection test

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_gatetime: [default: 0]: Specifies how long ssh must be up before we consider it a successful connection. If it is set to 0, then not only is the gatetime behaviour turned off, but autossh also ignores the first run failure of ssh

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_loglevel: [default: 7]: Specifies the log level, corresponding to the levels used by syslog

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_pidfile: [default: /var/run/autossh/autossh-tunnel-client.pid]: Write pid to specified file

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_poll: [default: 60]: Specifies the connection poll time in seconds

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map: [default: []]: SSH key declarations

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map.{n}.src: [required]: The local path of the file to copy, can be absolute or relative (e.g. ../../../files/autossh-tunnel-client/etc/autossh/id_rsa)

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map.{n}.dest: [optional, default src | basename]: The remote path of the file to copy, relative to /etc/autossh (e.g. id_rsa)

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map.{n}.owner: [optional, default root]: The name of the user that should own the file

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map.{n}.group: [optional, default owner, root]: The name of the group that should own the file

  • autossh_tunnel_client_key_map.{n}.mode: [optional, default 0600]: The mode of the file to copy

  • autossh_tunnel_client_host: [required] Remote host to connect to (e.g. example.com)

  • autossh_tunnel_client_port: [default: 22]: Remote port to connect to

  • autossh_tunnel_client_user: [default: autossh]: Remote user for connection

  • autossh_tunnel_client_identity: [default: id_rsa]: Remote user for connection

  • autossh_tunnel_client_autossh_options: [default: ['M 0', '4', 'N']]: Autossh options

  • autossh_tunnel_client_ssh_options: [default: ['ServerAliveInterval 60', 'ServerAliveCountMax 3', 'BatchMode=yes', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no']]: SSH options

  • autossh_tunnel_client_forward: [optional]: Local Port forward to set up (e.g. ['3307:'])

  • autossh_tunnel_client_remote_forward: [optional]: Remote Port forward to set up (e.g. ['8080:'])




  • ansible-autossh-tunnel-server (see)


MySQL tunnel
- hosts: all
    - autossh-tunnel-client
      - src: ../../../files/autossh-tunnel-client/etc/autossh/id_rsa
    autossh_tunnel_client_host: 'example.com'
    autossh_tunnel_client_forward: ['3307:']

You will be able to connect to mysql using:

mysql -h -P 3307 -u#### -p#### --skip-ssl;



Author Information

Mischa ter Smitten (based on work of netkernelroc)

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!