What is this

This project can help you debug your ExternalLogin module in asp.net core 3.1

It don't have ClientId ClientSecret AppId AppSecret etc required when you debug your ExternalLogin. It is just include then use it.

Also, you can customize your simulate token like what you want.

Welcome leave comment or submit bug.

How to use

  1. Add follow code in startup.
  2. Map token key to your claims

enjoy it :)

services.AddAuthentication().AddPassthroughTest(options =>
    options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;

    // provider token for test
    options.PassthroughTokenHandler = () => new
        token_type    = "bearer",
        access_token  = "1234567890",
        refresh_token = "0987654321",
        expires_in    = "3600",
        user_id       = "nepton_h23f620G2Xw2812aM3a9Z",
        screen_name   = "nepton",

    // map token to your claim
    options.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey(ClaimTypes.Name,       "screen_name");
    options.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey(JwtClaimTypes.Subject, "user_id");