
Tools for Nerd Nite management

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tools for Nerd Nite management

Getting started

To get started, you're going to want to do the following after cloning:

npm install
npm run-script templates

For local testing you'll want to start up the Docker DB. If you have native Docker use

docker-compose up -d

to start the DB in the background.

This starts a db on localhost:3306. There is a nerdnite user with password nerdnite.

In order to run scripts, you'll need to preface commands with:

DB_HOST= DB_USER=nerdnite DB_PASS=nerdnite

You'll also need to set a MANDRILL_KEY environment variable - you'll need to get that from our Mandrill instance or from Dan or Laura. It's a test key, so no emails will go out. Huzzah.

Database stuff

Once the DB is started, you should run

DB_HOST= DB_USER=nerdnite_bosses DB_PASS=nerdnite npm run-script init-db

to set up the database.

There is an SQL file in ./sql as well as an ERD diagram that you can open with the MySQL Workbench to see how it all fits together.


You can run tests with

DB_HOST= DB_USER=nerdnite_bosses DB_PASS=nerdnite MANDRILL_KEY=xxx npm test

This confirms that creaging bosses and aliases is well behaved.

Logging into the NN server

Logging into the NN server requires a secure key and a connection client. These instructions assume the use of PuTTY, a popular (and free!) client

  1. Generating an SSH key.
  2. Converting an SSH key to PuTTY format for use with Windows
    • Download puttygen.exe from PuTTY download page (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)
    • Open PuTTY Key Generator (puttygen.exe) and
    • Open Conversations
    • Import your ssh key and convert your private ssh key to a ppk key
    • Now open puTTY configuration:
    • Under session: ** Host Name is nerdnite.com ** Port is 22 ** Connection type is SSH
    • Under Connection | SSH | Auth | Authentication parameters, Browse to the newly created PPK private key
    • Open the connection and enter your login and key passphrase

How to use nerdnite-tools

  1. Once you're logged into nerdnite.com, log in as su with su - nerdnite
  2. cd /home/nerdnite-tools
  3. You can run any of the scripts, which will generate a timedated .sh file in the nerdnight-tools files
  4. The contents of the file are WP CLI commands. You can run these individually or as a script from the /var/www/html directory.

Example: Adding a Boss

  1. Build the WP CLI commands by running addBoss.js
  2. Open the generated .updates.sh
  3. run those commands in the WP directory (/var/wwww/html)

To access the WP database

  1. wp db cli --path=/var/www/html
  2. At the SQL quote, connect to the database with connect;

TODO: mini SQL primer To view all tables in MySQL database show tables; show databases; connect newnite_bosses show tables;

To access the non-WP nerdnite_bosses database

  1. mysql -u $DB_USER -h $DB_HOST -p
  2. The password is stored in environment variablee $PASSWD see the ERD file for information on the database schema

To refresh SSL certification

The security certification must be regenerated when new cities are added to allow their subdomains to be accessed.

  1. Login as root sudo su -
  2. update cli.ini with the newly added cities
cd ~/letsencrypt
cat cli.ini.base > cli.ini
echo domains = `sudo -u nerdnite wp db query --path=/var/www/html 'SELECT domain FROM wp_blogs WHERE public=1 AND deleted=0;' | grep -v domain | xargs |  sed -e 's/ /, /g'` >> cli.ini
./letsencrypt-auto certonly -c cli.ini

To restart the web server

apachectl restart

To activate new emails

After adding or changing a boss's email, the generated virtual database must be updated As nerdnite, run the postfix update script in nerdnite tools (as nerdnite) sudo -E ./updatePostfix.sh /etc/postfix/virtual (-E keeps the enviroment variables, including the required database connection info) verify that the new virtual.db map (in /etc/postfix) includes the newly added emails

To update WP user password

wp user update <username> --user_pass=<new_password>

To set up your nerdnite account on gmail

  1. Gmail settings, Accounts and Import tab.
  2. Add another email address you own (in this case, your NN email)
  3. Type name and email address to be added. Untick treat as an alias.
  4. For SMTP Server, put smtp.gmail.com
  5. For Username, your full Gmail address including @gmail.com
  6. For password, provide an App Password generated in Google Accounts at https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords
  7. Leave Secured connection using TLS selected as is.
  8. Add Account