
take home assignment for ivado AI Scientist interview loop

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


ivado-assignment excalidraw

This repository houses the Python code that was used to conduct the ML modelling analyses of the IVADO Labs take home assignment. The assignment itself was a prototypical ML project requiring one to:

  • perform EDA
  • build an ML model
    • perform data cleaning
    • perform model selection
    • perform hyperparameter tuning
    • determine most appropriate performance metrics
  • build a pipeline for reproducibility of results (or for deploying the model to a server).

The rest of the README briefly summarizes those such activities taken here that provide context to this code base. Before delving into that summary, however, here is the print out of the tree-structure for this project.

├── Dockerfile
├── README.md
├── ¹artifacts
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── complete-model.joblib
│   │   └── imputed-model.joblib
│   ├── preds
│   │   ├── complete-predictions.csv
│   │   └── imputed-predictions.csv
│   └── training_logs
│       ├── complete.log
│       └── imputed.log
├── ¹data
│   ├── processed
│   │   ├── complete_df.csv
│   │   └── incomplete_df.csv
│   ├── raw
│   │   └── 2021-10-19_14-11-08_val_candidate_data.csv
│   └── splits
│       ├── complete_df
│       │   ├── test.csv
│       │   └── train.csv
│       └── incomplete_df
│           ├── test.csv
│           └── train.csv
├── ivado_assignment
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── get_metrics.py
│   │   ├── inference.py
│   │   └── training.py
│   ├── data_processors
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── cleaner.py
│   │   └── splitter.py
│   ├── settings
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── data.py
│   │   └── models.py
│   └── utils
│       ├── __init__.py
│       └── data_loader.py
├── notebooks
│   ├── sandbox-model.ipynb
│   └── sandbox.ipynb
├── poetry.lock
├── pylintrc
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.sh
└── tests
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── test_data_cleaner.py
    ├── test_data_splitter.py
    └── test_ivado_assignment.py

¹ data and artifacts are not checked into this Github Repo.

Exploratory Data Analysis

See ./notebooks/eda.ipynb for the full analysis, but as a brief summary, listed below are the key takeaways:

  1. There are a few data cleaning steps that need to be performed
  2. We will conduct two separate analyses: Complete case and Imputed case
  3. Target is slightly imbalanced with class N appearing only 31% of the time

Complete vs Imputed:

  • Since there are rows with missing values, we decided to perform two separate but similar analyses.
    • Complete considers only complete observations
    • Imputed considers all observations and uses an impute strategy to fill in missing values

laundry list of data cleaning and processing items:

1. remove the two records that have erroneous entries for feature_6
2. drop feature 11 since same as feature_2
3. drop feature 12 since same as feature_4
4. cast feature_8 as a categorical feature
5. convert feature_8 to a binary feature with level 1 = 360.0 and 0 otherwise
6. cast feature_9 as a categorical feature
7. prepare a .csv file with only complete observations for complete-case analysis
8. prepare a .csv data file with both incomplete and complete observations for an imputed analysis
9. target has some imbalance with class N occurring only 31% of the time in the data

Model Build

This section of README provides the details to the typical ML model building process that was applied in this project. As noted above, some of the steps were applied twice since two analyses were conducted: Complete and Imputed.

Data Cleaning

The following processing steps were taken to the original data set file:

  1. The two erroneously entered observations for feature_6 were removed from the dataset;
  2. The target field was encoded to numeric with legend Y=1 and N=0.
  3. feature_8 is converted to a binary categorical feature with 1=360.0 and 0 otherwise.


The features that were used in the analysis and which are organized by their type are listed below:

numerical: ['feature_5', 'feature_6', 'feature_7'],

categorical: [


Preprocessing steps were applied uniformly to the type of features. I.e., all categorical features used the same preprocessing steps.


  • Imputed with missing category (for Imputed analysis only);
  • One-hot-encoder where first column is dropped.


  • Imputed with median value (for Imputed analysis only).


A (very) lightweight autoML was built and used for training an ML model in both the Imputed and Complete case. Specifically, 3 candidate ML tree-based models as well as Logistic Regression were tested. In addition, some of their hyperparams were tuned using Bayesian cross-validation.

Dataset Splitting

After running ivado_assignment.data_processors.cleaner, the splitter script is ran in order to split the processed data files into train and test splits. The default percentage used for both Imputed and Complete case was 75%/25% for train/test.

Choice of Metric

The Brier score is used here as the metric to select the best model as well as for assessing the best model's performance on the test sets (although other metrics are reported as well). The choice of Brier score was due to the fact that the dataset is slight imbalanced, with class 0 or (N) being slightly underepresented relative to its class counterpart, 1 or (Y). This metric is understood as best practice for probability predictions even with imbalanced data.

Interestingly, using Brier score as model selection criteria during training phase yielded worse results than when using the F1 score of only the minority class. As such, F1 score is used for model selection, but for final evaluation, the Brier score is used.

It should be noted though, that other metrics could be more suitable, depending on the cost of false positives or false negatives on the minority class. The package here can easily be adapted or slightly enhanced to accomodate such metrics.

Models Tested and their HyperParameters

The following tree-based models and their hyperparameters were tested:


  • LogisticRegression (sklearn)
  • RandomForestClassifier (sklearn)
  • GradientBoostingClassifier (sklearn)
  • BalancedRandomForestClassifier (imblearn) uses undersampling


LogisticRegression: {
    "C": [1., 0.99, 0.98, 0.97, 0.96, 0.95]
RandomForestClassifier: {
    "n_estimators": [25, 50, 100],
    "ccp_alpha": [0., 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
GradientBoostingClassifier: {
    "n_estimators": [25, 50, 100],
    "ccp_alpha": [0., 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
BalancedRandomForestClassifier: {
    "n_estimators": [25, 50, 100],
    "ccp_alpha": [0., 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]

Train Performance

(Results may differ slightly even when using Docker)

These results can also be viewed in the artifacts/training_logs folder. Complete:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.90      0.44      0.59        99
           1       0.80      0.98      0.88       230

    accuracy                           0.82       329
   macro avg       0.85      0.71      0.74       329
weighted avg       0.83      0.82      0.80       329


              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.91      0.52      0.66       138
           1       0.81      0.98      0.89       295

    accuracy                           0.83       433
   macro avg       0.86      0.75      0.78       433
weighted avg       0.84      0.83      0.82       433

Test Performance

(Results may differ slightly even when using Docker)


              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.92      0.55      0.69        40
           1       0.79      0.97      0.87        70

    accuracy                           0.82       110
   macro avg       0.85      0.76      0.78       110
weighted avg       0.84      0.82      0.80       110

 [[22 18]
 [ 2 68]] 

ROC-AUC:  0.7367857142857143
Log loss:  0.49842554669486605
Brier:  0.1559077279967151
F1 Score: 0.8717948717948717


              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.68      0.38      0.49        45
           1       0.77      0.92      0.84       100

    accuracy                           0.75       145
   macro avg       0.72      0.65      0.66       145
weighted avg       0.74      0.75      0.73       145

 [[17 28]
 [ 8 92]] 

ROC-AUC:  0.7068888888888889
Log loss:  0.5475167652779405
Brier:  0.18115211263885775
F1 Score: 0.8363636363636363

Ideas for Improvement

  • Performing some calibration on the predicted probabilities
    • CalibrationCV from sklearn
    • Changing the decision threshold from the default value of 0.5
  • Assessing feature importance
    • Add feature importance outputs to the report

Model Delivery (Docker)

For reproducing the model and the results, one can build the docker image associated with the Dockerfile and the code herein. What follows below are the steps required to build the model and produce predictions and get its associated metrics against the respective test set. Note all commands are expected to run while in the main folder of this repo and that it is assumed that docker-cli has been installed.


  1. ensure raw data file is located in correct path

The raw data file 2021-10-19_14-11-08_val_candidate_data.csv must be stored in a directory: ivado-assignment/data/raw/.

Step 0: Clone the contents of this repository


git clone git@github.com:nerdai/ivado-assignment.git


git clone https://github.com/nerdai/ivado-assignment.git

Step 1: cd into the cloned repo and run setup.sh

cd ivado-assignment
sh setup.sh

Step 2: Build Docker Image

In this step, the code will be packaged into a docker image which we can then use to:

  • clean the data
  • split it into train & test data sets
  • train a model on the training set
  • use the model to predict on the test set
  • obtain the metrics of the model

Note: we perform two analyses here: a complete-case analysis and one where missing observations are imputed by a specified strategy.

docker build -f Dockerfile . -t ivado-assignment

Step 3: Clean the data

Output of this step will be two .csv files, namely: complete.csv and incomplete.csv that are stored in ./data/processed.

docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data ivado-assignment poetry run \
python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.cleaner

Step 4: Split the data into train and test splits

Output of this step will be four .csv files, namely:

  • ./data/splits/complete_df/train.csv
  • ./data/splits/complete_df/test.csv
  • ./data/splits/incomplete_df/train.csv
  • ./data/splits/incomplete_df/test.csv


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data ivado-assignment poetry run \
python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.splitter \
--data ./data/processed/complete_df.csv --output ./data/splits/complete_df


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data ivado-assignment poetry run \
python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.splitter \
--data ./data/processed/incomplete_df.csv --output ./data/splits/incomplete_df

Step 5: Training time

In this step, we run the commands to kickoff a lightweight autoML task that will run through 3 different classifiers and perform a Bayesian Cross-Validation to determine the number of estimators that should be used to achieve the best value of model selection critiera. The best models are stored in ./artifacts/models/. Training logs are also stored in ./artifacts/training_logs.


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.training \
--setting complete


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.training \
--setting imputed 

Step 6: Inferences (i.e., Make Predictions)

Here we load the previously trained models, and make predictions on the respective test sets. Predictions are stored in ./artifacts/preds/.


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.inference \
--data ./data/splits/complete_df/test.csv --setting complete


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.inference \
--data ./data/splits/incomplete_df/test.csv --setting imputed

Step 7: Get Performance Metrics

We pass the ground truth labels and the predictions to the get_metrics job to produce a small report on the performance of the models on their test sets.


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.get_metrics \
--labels ./data/splits/complete_df/test.csv \
--preds ./artifacts/preds/complete-predictions.csv


docker run -v "$(pwd)/data/":/data -v "$(pwd)/artifacts/":/artifacts/ \
ivado-assignment poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.get_metrics \
--labels ./data/splits/incomplete_df/test.csv \
--preds ./artifacts/preds/imputed-predictions.csv

Model Delivery (Non-Docker, Poetry Only)

In this section, we provide similar steps to the previous section for reproducing the analyses and model builds but without using Docker.


  1. ensure correct version of Poetry is installed
  2. ensure correct version of Python is installed and active
  3. ensure raw data file is located in correct path

Since were are no longer using Docker, we have to ensure a few more dependencies are installed and are of the correct versions. In particular, the steps below require:

  • poetry v. ^1.3.0 and
  • python v. ^3.11.0 to be installed.

Installing or upgrading poetry:

# for linux, macOS
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

# windows (powershell)
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -

Finally, the raw data file 2021-10-19_14-11-08_val_candidate_data.csv must be stored in a directory: ivado-assignment/data/raw/.

Step 0: Clone the contents of this repository


git clone git@github.com:nerdai/ivado-assignment.git


git clone https://github.com/nerdai/ivado-assignment.git

Step 1: cd into the cloned repo and run setup.sh

cd ivado-assignment
sh setup.sh

Step 2: Install dependencies

poetry install

Step 3: Clean the data

poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.cleaner

Step 4: Split the data into train and test splits


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.splitter \
--data ./data/processed/complete_df.csv --output ./data/splits/complete_df  


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.data_processors.splitter \
--data ./data/processed/incomplete_df.csv --output ./data/splits/incomplete_df 

Step 5: Training time


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.training --setting complete


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.training --setting imputed

Step 6: Inferences (i.e., Make Predictions)


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.inference \
--data ./data/splits/complete_df/test.csv --setting complete


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.inference \
--data ./data/splits/incomplete_df/test.csv --setting imputed

Step 7: Get Performance Metrics


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.get_metrics \
--preds ./artifacts/preds/complete-predictions.csv \
--labels ./data/splits/complete_df/test.csv


poetry run python -m ivado_assignment.bin.get_metrics \
--preds ./artifacts/preds/imputed-predictions.csv \
--labels ./data/splits/incomplete_df/test.csv