
How to start a podcast

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How to start a Podcast

This repository is a collection of tutorials, code and other stuff to record and publish a Podcast.

Things you don't find here (but need for your podcast)

  • An idea or a topic for your podcast
  • webspace to host your podcast and the feed

How to start

After you got a idea or topic for a podcast you should think about the name of the podcast.
The name should be:

  • not to long
  • easy to remember
  • unique

Next step - get the domain for your podcast.
This should contain the name of the podcast, so your potential listeners find it more easily.


alt text

There are two options to publish your podcast.

  1. Selfhosting: I provide my podcast without any Wordpress or Plugin stuff. The whole feed and website is static and get changed with every new episode. A lot of extra work but it's worth it because you have the full control.

In this repository is a simple template for a Blog / Website.
You have to change the default settings and upload the website to your webspace.
The website structure is based on my NERDBUDE.COM website structure and is a handmade blog.
There is nothing automated (at the moment) and you have to change the files for every new episode.
The template does not include the "Subscribe Button". You can get yours here: PODLOVE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON.

In this Repo is also a minimalistic Landingpage. Feel free to use it!

  1. Wordpress: The more easy way to provide your new podcast. Install Wordpress and use the the Plugins PODLOVE Podcast Publisher and the PODLOVE Subscribe Button.
    These are tools from the podcast-community for the podcast-community.


After you setup your website, domain and publishing system - you need a Podcast Cover.
You can just make a main-cover or a main-cover and a episode-cover for every single Episode.
The cover should expect the following specs:

  • 3000 x 3000 px
  • 300dpi
  • .jpg / .png fileformat

To create your cover you can use tools like GIMP or other tools or if you are not the kind of graphical artist check out the communities. Sometimes other podcasters offer to create a cover for you.


Before you start recording you need structure and a script.

  1. Structure:
  • do you have different sections on your podcast
  • do you want to talk about feedback (very recommended)
  • how often do you want to upload a new episode?
  • how long should your episode be?
  • will you make seasons or just episodes?
  • plan more than your first episode
  • think about a small trailer (~5min long)
  • (will be continued)
  1. Script:
  • make notes for every episode
  • for interviews - write down the questions
  • split the script in the sections of your podcast


Many people say you can start a podcast with your smartphone and a headset - that is right. Some years ago I started my first Podacst with just the microphone of a MacBook Pro and it worked, well "ok"
If you want to record in a more professionel way there are two pieces of hardware I can totally recommend:

  • Superlux HMC660x Headset (€50,-) LINK
  • Behringer Xenyx 302 USB Interface (€44,-) LINK

Both are not that expensiv but bring a great sound with it.


So you have a script and the hardware. Now you need the recordingsoftware.
There are a lot of free and paid software sollutions to record your stuff.

Reaper may cost something but there is a nice Community-Project called "Ultraschall" as a pure Podcast-Plugin for Reaper.
Play around which recording-software you are most comfortable with.


After you record and cut your first episode - it's time to release it.
Your feed give the new episodes to the players from your listeners.

If you want to build your own feed feel free to use the template in this repository.
It is well commented and you just need to fill it with all your stuff.
After you fill in the informations just put it in a folder in your webspace.
Later this folder is the adress for the podcast-directories.


After you upload your soundfile and your feed.xml to your webspace it's time to tell the internet that you have a podcast now.
There are three importent Podcast-Directories to start with:

On these Platforms you just have to paste your feed-url and after a short review your podcast will be available in nearly every directory.


Congratulations! Your Podcast is ready. Now you have to say the people that you have a podcast.


I will add some cheatsheets and other usefull files to this repository