参考文献Deep Regression Forests for Age Estimation
- include/caffe/util/sampling.hpp
- src/caffe/util/sampling.cpp
- include/caffe/util/neural_decision_util_functions.hpp
- src/caffe/util/neural_decision_util_functions.cu
- include/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_loss_layer.hpp
- src/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_loss_layer.cpp
- src/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_loss_layer.cu
- include/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_layer.hpp
- src/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_layer.cpp
- src/caffe/layers/neural_decision_reg_forest_layer.cu
- 将Eigen目录放在caffe/include目录下
(1) 将如下代码加在 message LayerParameter里面
optional NeuralDecisionForestParameter neural_decision_forest_param = 149;
optional LDLMetricParameter ldl_metric_param = 150;
optional CSParameter cs_param = 151;
message NeuralDecisionForestParameter {
optional uint32 depth = 1 [default = 3];
optional uint32 num_trees = 2 [default = 1];
optional uint32 num_classes = 3 [default = 2];
optional uint32 iter_times_class_label_distr = 4 [default = 20];
optional uint32 iter_times_in_epoch = 7 [default = 20];
optional string record_filename = 5 [default="Forest.Record"];
optional uint32 axis = 6 [default = 1];
optional bool debug_gpu = 8 [default = false];
optional bool use_gpu = 9 [default = true];
optional uint32 all_data_vec_length = 10 [default = 5];
optional bool drop_out = 11 [default = false];
optional string init_filename = 12 [default = "Leafnode.Init"];
optional float scale = 13 [default = 100.0];
message LDLMetricParameter {
enum LDLMetricType {
KLD = 1;
Clark = 2;
Chebyshev = 3;
Canberra = 4;
Cosine = 5;
Inter = 6;
Fidelity = 7;
Euclid = 8;
Soren = 9;
Square = 10;
optional LDLMetricType metric_type = 1 [default = KLD];
message CSParameter {
optional int32 lll = 1 [default = 5];
在最后的全连接层后面接上回归决策树loss layer
layer {
name: "probloss1"
type: "NeuralDecisionRegForestWithLoss"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
param {
lr_mult: 0.0
decay_mult: 0.0
param {
lr_mult: 0.0
decay_mult: 0.0
param {
lr_mult: 0.0
decay_mult: 0.0
neural_decision_forest_param {
depth: 6
num_trees: 5
num_classes: 1
iter_times_class_label_distr: 20
record_filename: "F_morph.record"
iter_times_in_epoch: 50
all_data_vec_length: 50
drop_out: false
init_filename: "init"
layer {
name: "probloss1"
type: "NeuralDecisionRegForest"
bottom: "fc8"
top: "pred"
neural_decision_forest_param {
depth: 6
num_trees: 5
num_classes: 1
author = {Wei Shen and Yilu Guo and Yan Wang and Kai Zhao and Bo Wang and Alan Yuille},
booktitle = {Proc. CVPR},
title = {Deep Regression Forests for Age Estimation},
year = {2018}