
OPENCV Projects are available


(1) Python (2) Any IDE( Visual Studio, PyCharm etc.) (3) packages need to be installed: opencv-python pytesseract opencv contrib

Project 1: TEXT DETECTION USING OPENCV, PYTHON, TESSERACT-OCR. (1) Detect text in images (2) Detect individual characters and words from text image (3) Detect digits in text image

First install Tesseract- OCR on your system (1) Go to

 (a) here if u are using windows then,go to this below link
  Binaries for Windows
 (b) Then , click Windows Installer made with MinGW-w64 link under 4.x for Windows
 (c) tesseract-ocr-setup-4.00.00dev.exe get downloaded
 (d) Run and install  and check the tesseract.exe file which will be as  in C:\users\ProgramFiles\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe
     This path has to be copied in your program.

Further queries u can DM me on @im__sabiya or @learnwithcodeeris on instagram