
SMS Gateway notification channel for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

SMS Gateway notifications channel for Laravel

Latest Version on Packagist Software License StyleCI

This package makes it easy to send notifications using SMS Gateway with Laravel.



Sign up for a online sms gateway account.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require nerdify/laravel-smsgateway-notification-channel

You must install the service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Setting up your SMS Gateway account

Add your SMS Gateway email, password, and device ID to your config/services.php:

// config/services.php
'smsgateway' => [
    'email' => env('SMSGATEWAY_EMAIL'),
    'password' => env('SMSGATEWAY_PASSWORD'),
    'device' => env('SMSGATEWAY_DEVICE'),


You can use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Nerdify\SmsGateway\SmsGatewayChannel;
use Nerdify\SmsGateway\SmsGatewayMessage;

class InvoicePaid extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [SmsGatewayChannel::class];

    public function toSmsGateway($notifiable)
        return (new SmsGatewayMessage)
            ->content('Your invoice has been paid!');

When sending notifications, the notification system will automatically look for a phone_number attribute on the notifiable entity. If you would like to customize the phone number the notification is delivered to, define a routeNotificationForSmsGateway method on the entity:

public function routeNotificationForSmsGateway()
    return '+1234567890';

Available Message methods


  • content(): The content of the message to be sent.
  • expiresAt(): Time to give up trying to send the message at in Unix Time format.
  • sendAt(): Time to send the message in Unix Time format.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.