
This program takes a minimalised boolean function written in !a!b + !abc convention and calculates it's logic value in python

Primary LanguagePython


This program takes a minimalised boolean function written in !a!b + !abc convention and calculates its logic value in python
in code descriptions are in polish for now


'a', 'b', 'c' etc variables are bits of binary representation of decimal number
'!' is negation
'a!bcd' etc are words and we treat them as conjunction of given variables
'+' means disjunction

what does it do?

program does a lexical analysis, parsing and compiling of a given sentence and is able to calculate its logical value for given decimal number
it also gives you information which words of disjuction have 'true' value if the whole statement is true for a given number

what for?

it can be used for automatic testing whether a minimalised boolean function is valid if you have a list of valid results to compare (like I do in code)


ask @wvffle who made me do this as an exercise.