Setup environment

  • Install docker and docker compose
  • Please add the following host names into your hosts file
  • Start environment for running tests
cd env/compose/dc_pc
docker-compose up

After environment started, you should be able to access the chrome for running tests at http://localhost:7900 by " connecting" with password "secret"

Run all tests

For Linux and Mac

./gradlew cucumber

For Windows

gradlew.bat cucumber

You may encounter character encoding issue in terminal. If so, please try to fix it by following this link

Run tests in Intellij

  • Install Intellij IDEA (either Ultimate or Community version)
    • when installing the community version, please also install the "Cucumber for Java" plugin
  • Open the repo root folder with Intellij and wait for this gradle project loaded completely
  • Open the feature file at backend/src/test/resources/init.feature and run it by clicking the green run test gutter icon on the left bar and test should pass

Run the application

For Linux and Mac

./gradlew bootRun

For Windows

gradlew.bat bootRun