Puppet InfluxDB

Puppet Module to setup and manage influxdb installation and resources.

Under Development! Currently very limited functionality: support of EL-Linux(CentOs) and some build-in ruby functions. Welcome Contribution!

Quick Start

install and start InfluxDb service.

class {'influxdb':}

or in hiera

 - influxdb

InfluxDB config Parameter

note, not all parameters are introduced right now, Welcome Contribution!

see manifests/config.pp for supported parameters. Otherwise you can do:

$parameter =
{ 'global' =>
    'reporting-disabled' => true,
    'bind-adress' => '',
  'http' =>
    'bind-address' => ':8086'

  config => $parameter,

or in hiera:

    reporting-disabled: true
    bind-address: ':8086'

Enable http-auth

by design, influxdb needs an "admin" user before you can enable http-auth in influxdb-config. So in order to manage this with puppet we need to pass "admin" creadentials to the influx class.. we would call this admin user - superuser

so call it like:

class {"influxdb":
  auth_enabled => true,
  auth_superuser => 'john',
  auth_superpass => 'lennon',

Custom resource-types

all resource types using influx cli command to communicate with influxdb. Because influx cli command uses http interface of influxdb, we also need to do a http-auth, if this is enabled. So pass superuser creadentials to all resource types, if http-auth is enabled.


create database


  • superuser - by http-auth enabled, pass the admin user name
  • superpass - by http-auth enabled, pass the admin user password

or if you use http-auth

  superuser => 'john',
  superpass => 'lennon'



  • name - namevar, name of the user
  • password - password
  • admin - if the user is admin, default to false
  • database - on which database grant privileges, relevant only for non-admin users. Requires database to be created.
  • privileges - privileges to grant, default to 'ALL'
  • superuser - by http-auth enabled, pass the admin user name
  • superpass - by http-auth enabled, pass the admin user password
     password => "marge",
     ensure => present,
     database => "testme2"


  • all custom resources have 20sec delay, in order to wait for influxdb to startup, if it was restarted just before.