
implementation of LZW file compression for text files in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Text file compression utility based on Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) data compression algorithm.

To compress a file (using Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals as an example), in your terminal, run the following command:

ruby vkrunch.rb -c fundamental_kant.txt

You should see a printout like the one below and your current folder will now have a file called fundamental_kant.txt.vkrunch:

fundamental_kant.txt.vkrunch created
Original file name    : fundamental_kant.txt
VKrunched file name   : fundamental_kant.txt.vkrunch
Original file size    : 176K
VKrunched file size   : 71K
Compression took 0.1989 seconds
VKrunched file is 59.7% smaller than the original file

To uncompress the .vkrunch file:

ruby vkrunch.rb -u fundamental_kant.txt.vkrunch

Your current folder will now have _fundamental_kant.txt which will contain the uncompressed text. The prinout will look like the one below:

file uncompressed
_fundamental_kant.txt created

Oct 12, 2014

  • Added command line file support
    • '-c' and '-u' options for compress / uncompress
  • Though the character count is lower in the compressed output, the 25k file 'the_last_question.txt' is getting converted to 44k, which I am guessing is because of the type of data structure I am using (includes commas between dictionary indices, which have a cost)
    • fixed this issue by converting new integer dictionary array to binary with array.pack("S*") and binary back to the array with array.unpack("S*")
  • The dictionary in compress method was running in O(n^2) time due to call to Array#index. Redesigning the dictionary as a hash sped up the compression from 4 seconds for the_last_question.txt to 0.03 seconds.
moby_dick.txt.vkrunch created
Original file name    : moby_dick.txt
VKrunched file name   : moby_dick.txt.vkrunch
Original file size    : 1198K
VKrunched file size   : 460K
Compression took 1.6630 seconds
VKrunched file is 61.6% smaller than the original file
the_last_question.txt.vkrunch created
Original file name    : the_last_question.txt
VKrunched file name   : the_last_question.txt.vkrunch
Original file size    : 25K
VKrunched file size   : 16K
Compression took 0.0282 seconds
VKrunched file is 36.0% smaller than the original file

Oct 11, 2014

  • Wrote up algorithm in pseudocode
  • Converted pseudocode to Ruby
  • Adjusted code for edge cases
    • compression at beginning of text
    • compression at end of text
    • compression of curved apostrophe vs straight apostrophe