
Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Project 4


To build the project locally node.js must be installed first.

  1. git clone this repo
  2. Go to the root of the project directory and type npm install to install the development dependencies
  3. After the dependencies have installed type gulp build to generate the dist files
  4. Go to the dist directory and open index.html in your browser

Project Optimization Notes

Part 1: Optimize PageSpeed Insights

To achieved a PageSpeed score above 90 I made the following optimizations:

  • Minified and inlined CSS within the HTML file
  • Minified and inlined Javascript and moved the script to the bottom of the page to prevent blocking
  • Compressed images to reduce file size
  • Added image width & height properties to each image tag

Part 2: Optimize Frames per Second

  • made minor improvements to variable declaration
  • removed a String.capitalize transformation and added a CSS rule instead
  • used more performant DOM element selectors getElementById and getElementsByClassName where applicable
  • cached the DOM element selectors that are re-used often
  • moved several functions outside of the resizePizzas function
  • moved a height calculation outside of a for-loop
  • added a function to use the requestAnimationFrame API to optimize concurrent animations http://www.paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/