Udacity Project 5: Neighborhood Map

This project is a single page web application which displays a Google map with a filterable list of map markers showing Speakeasy-style cocktail bars in the London area.


tl;dr: Clone this repo and run $ npm install in that directory to get everything setup. The run $gulp serve to run the project locally.


Bring up a terminal and type node --version. Node should respond with a version at or above 0.10.x. If you require Node, go to nodejs.org and click on the big green Install button.

Bring up a terminal and type gulp --version. If Gulp is installed it should return a version number at or above 3.8.x. If you need to install/upgrade Gulp, open up a terminal and type in the following:

$ npm install --global gulp

This will install Gulp globally. Depending on your user account, you may need to configure your system to install packages globally without administrative privileges.

Local dependencies

Next, install the dependencies:

$ npm install

That's it! You should now have everything needed to run the project.


Watch For Changes & Automatically Refresh Across Devices

$ gulp serve

This outputs an IP address you can use to locally test and another that can be used on devices connected to your network.

Build & Optimize

$ gulp

Build and optimize the current project, ready for deployment. This includes linting as well as image, script, stylesheet and HTML optimization and minification.

References & Credits