Nerdwave Dotfiles

A rather simple collection of config files to set up neovim and wezterm the way I like them.

Core of this config is a sessionizer for wezterm and lean nvim setup with lsp, telescope, harpoon and lazygit. Keybinds are often reasonable, but some are based on dvorak, so be mindful of that. Like others, I am standing on the shoulders of giants, and a lot of this was inspired by my colleague mvezer, with the sessionizer being based on a tmux plugin by ThePrimaegen, and specifically this implementation by keturiosakys. The wezterm statusbar is based on these dotfiles by ghostx31. Those are the big inspirations, but there were of course more. Thank all of you for publicly displaying your wonderful dotfiles.


  • neovim as the core editor
  • wezterm as the core multiplexer and terminal emulator
  • lazygit for the git workflow in nvim
  • nvm as a dependency for some parts
  • rust best installed via rustup
  • ripgrep for telescope
  • fd for the sessionizer
  • fira code as the font of choice

Some might be missing, so be sure to check.


There's a very simple install script in this repository, which just symlinks the dotfiles.


leader y for yanking into system clipboard recheck all plugins