AI Planning Coursework tools 2020


You're lucky enough to be on the AIP module at KCL in 2020, which means you've got myself Adam Green as your TA. In this repo you'll find a bunch of tools to get started with planning. This repo is provided as a convenience and is designed to get you up and running and ready to do the coursework, whatever the coursework may be.

please note no actual coursework material is contained in this tooling repo, that is to say there are no marks to be found here by completing tasks etc. However, you may be advised or told to use tools and scripts available in this repo to complete your coursework.

Docker container of Planners

This repo contains two Dockerfiles. Unless you are really familiar with Docker you don't need to worry about the main Dockerfile instead, focus on student.Dockerfile. This guide will only look at student.Dockerfile.


How to run planners using the student.Dockerfile

Let's quickly go through the student.Dockerfile line by line

FROM adamfgreen/aip2020:latest

This first line, pulls the latest image of the main Docker image created in Dockerfile. This is image is something I've created that automatically builds all the planners and planning tools you need and nearly instantly puts them at your disposal. You won't need to change this line.

COPY . /src

This tells docker to copy anything in the folder we're currently in ., into your container. We do this so that files, such as domains, problems and plans that are outside the container, can be copied into the container. In the folder for this repo, you should place any domains or problem files you wish to run, and any plans you wish to validate.


This tells docker to start by running in the /src folder. When Docker copies everything in the repo folder into /src it doesn't by default start you inside that folder. This command makes it so that when you run any commands inside docker, it'll start in this /src folder. You can check this by setting CMD to ls (the ls function lists files on unix). e.g. CMD ls

CMD optic domain.pddl problem.pddl

This is the most important line, and the only line you'll need to modify. the CMD tells docker what to run, when this container is executed. In this case, we are running domain.pddl and problem.pddl on the planner optic.

All available planners and software are listed further down. Simply use the name shown further down to run a different piece of software.

Inside your this repo folder, we assume you've put a domain pddl file called domain.pddl. Let's say instead you put a domain called driverlog.pddl. You can change domain.pddl to driverlog.pddl to use the driverlog.pddl domain instead e.g.

CMD optic driverlog.pddl problem.pddl

or maybe you've added a plan file plan.txt into this repo folder, you could validate it by doing

CMD Validate driverlog.pddl problem.pddl plan.txt

When you add domains to the repo folder, you need to run build again

Quick steps (You should read the detailed explanation before following this)

  1. set CMD to be whatever planner you want to execute and whatever domain/problem file you want to run, that is located in ./input

  2. Run ./ (You need to do this every time you change the contents of ./input or change /bin to target some other program)

  3. Run ./

  4. Run ./ if the planner keeps running and you can't stop it

Advice for Windows and Mac users

You can install Docker on Windows and Mac. The commands located inside ./build,sh, ./ and ./ will all be available on Windows and Mac too, but the scripts as provided here won't run. Instead, just execute them line by line manually.

Please note that this part of the command $(cat $(readlink -f VERSION)) just copies whatever the current version number is in the VERSION file. You can hard code it instead

Available Programs in /bin

optic allows you to run OPTIC. OPTIC is a Temporal Numeric planner designed in the early 2010s. It's predecessors POPF and COLIN will most likely be covered in lectures.

metricff allows you to run a flavour of FF called MetricFF. This is a classical planner which is a precursor to many modern search strategies.

fd allows you to run FD or Fast Downward. This is a classical planner which is the technical and theoretical basis for many if not all modern classical planning systems

SMTPlan allows you to run SMTPlan+ a niche planner designed to handle expressive domains modelled in PDDL+ syntax.

enhsp allows you to run ENHSP a planner designed to handle expressive domains, particularly those with non-linear continuous numeric effects

Validate allows you to run VALs Validate program. Validate is way to check the correctness of plans, independently of planners. Please not that Validate has a capital V