
A package that provides a responsive context to your application, using React Context API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A package that provides a responsive context to your application, using React Context API.

It has the same API of redux-responsive and they are easily interchangeable.


$ yarn add @farfetch/react-context-responsive
$ npm i @farfetch/react-context-responsive

...and include it in your project

import { ResponsiveProvider, useResponsive } from '@farfetch/react-context-responsive';


Provider use

The app, ideally, should have only one <ResponsiveProvider>, usually at app.js, wrapping all the components.

You can have as much consumers (useResponsive, useIsMobile, Responsive, withResponsive and withIsMobile) as you need. When the Provider value changes, all the consumers will update.

Preferred consumers

The hooks (useResponsive and useIsMobile) are the preferred method of using the context, when possible.

Mobile device detection

When possible, use the withIsMobile and useIsMobile for mobile devices detection. In the future we might use it to automatically splitting of mobile-only code.

ResponsiveProvider Props

Prop Type Description
initialMediaType string Used to mock a breakpoint in the initial state calculation. Defaults to 'xs'.
defaultOrientation string Used to mock orientation in initial state calculation. Defaults to null.

Object returned by the consumers:

Key Type Description
isCalculated Boolean False on first render. Once true, it means all breakpoints values are based on the window.
mediaType String The current media type (breakpoint) name (ex: 'md').
lessThan Object Object containing if current window width is less than a breakpoint (usage: lessThan.lg).
greaterThan Object Object containing if current window width is greater than a breakpoint (usage: greaterThan.lg).
is Object Object containing if current window width is the at a breakpoint (usage: is.lg).
orientation String Current browser orientation (portrait, landscape or defined defaultOrientation at ResponsiveProvider, when others not available)

Usage and examples

To use the package, you must embrace your code with the ResponsiveProvider, following the guidelines.

The component has five different exported consumption APIs:

  • useResponsive: A hook which returns the responsive object
  • useIsMobile: A hook which returns an object with isMobile and isCalculated
  • Responsive: A render prop component
  • withResponsive: A HoC which passes the responsive data to the responsive prop
  • withIsMobile: A HoC which passes isMobile and isCalculated props only

Rendering components with useResponsive hook. (Preferred method)

const Greetings = () => {
    const { lessThan } = useResponsive();
    if (lessThan.sm) {
        return (<p>Hello small screen!</p>);
    return (<p>Hello medium/big screen!</p>);

export default Greetings;

Rendering components with useIsMobile hook. (Preferred method)

const Greetings = () => {
    const { isMobile } = useIsMobile();
    if (isMobile) {
        return (<p>Hello mobile!</p>);
    return (<p>Hello desktop!</p>);

export default Greetings;

Rendering components with Responsive render prop component

            { (responsive) => ( <Component1 currentBreakpoint={ responsive.mediaType } /> ) }
            { (responsive) => ( <Component2 orientation={ responsive.orientation } /> ) }

Rendering components with withResponsive High-Order component

class Greetings extends Component {
    render() {
        return this.props.responsive.lessThan.sm ? <p>Hello small screen!</p> : <p>Hello big/small screen!</p>

export default withResponsive(Greetings);

Rendering components with withIsMobile High-Order component

class Greetings extends Component {
    render() {
        return this.props.isMobile ? <p>Hello mobile!</p> : <p>Hello desktop!</p>

export default withIsMobile(Greetings);

Additional notes

The _initial media type

The gap between window width 0 and the first breakpoint is called _initial media type.

It fixes a problem at redux-responsive in the calculation:

If the first breakpoint starts in a number bigger than 0 (let's call it X), it considers that everything between 0 and X as the first breakpoint when it's not true.

For example, our breakpoints start at 320 (XS), redux-responsive considers 270 as XS, a wrong calculation. We call it _initial.

The isPhone and isDesktop deprecation

If you're migration from the 0.X versions, the isPhone and isDesktop variables were deprecated.

After some discussions, we decided that maintaining the isMobile, isPhone and isDesktop was useless.

They were always aliases for predefined breakpoints and still can be done manually.

We kept only the isMobile for some reasons:

  1. It can be used for mobile/desktop code splitting in the future, optimizing builds for mobile only;
  2. Per definition, the Mobile Site is just for phones. Tablets are desktop;
  3. The isMobile detection is the most common use-case of the provider;
  4. The isDesktop is just a negation of the isMobile;
  5. They were available just for the responsive high-order component;
  6. You can still do the detection of specific breakpoints using the query objects.

React compatibility

React >= 16.8.0 is required to use this package as the ResponsiveProvider is hook-based.

The non-hook APIs just expose the useResponsive hook with different APIs, for compatibility with class components.


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