
Clojure/script Poloniex (cryptocurrency exchange) client

Primary LanguageClojureThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Clojars Project Build Status

Balonius is a client for the Poloniex cryptocurrency exchange, with support for its public, trading and market data APIs. The non-streaming portions of the client (i.e. balonius.public, balonius.trade) are available to Clojurescript (Node, mostly, due to the absence of CORS headers on the remote API - but browsers also, in principle).

In general, the API is asynchronous, using (derefable) promesa promises for single deferred results and core.async channels for streams of values.

Obviously you're going to lose money, and it's not my fault.


@(balonius.trade/buy! {:pair [:btc :bcy] :amount 1 :rate 0.00056513M})
{:order-number 2566300282
 [{:amount   0.67393284M
   :date     #inst "2016-09-10T..."
   :rate     0.00056367M
   :total    0.00037987M
   :trade-id 90269
   :type     :buy}
  {:amount   0.32606716M
   :date     #inst "2016-09-10T..."
   :rate     0.00056368M
   :total    0.00018379M
   :trade-id 90270
   :type     :buy}]}
(let [conn @(balonius.stream/connect!)]
  (<!! (balonius.stream/ticker! conn)))
;; =>
{:quote-vol 5550916.88164119M
 :high-bid  0.00770008M
 :base-vol  43773.79466888M
 :low-24    0.00650005M
 :low-ask   0.00772999M
 :pair      [:BTC :XMR]
 :frozen?   false
 :high-24   0.00938421M
 :change    -0.13631396M
 :last      0.00772999M}
(let [msg-ch (async/chan 1 (filter (comp pos? :reputation)))]
 (async/<!! (balonius.stream/trollbox! conn {:chan msg-ch})))
;; =>
{:type      :trollbox-message,
 :id         9704960,
 :user       "LordBeer",
 :body       "lookup, i party too much on holidays...",
 :reputation 2406}


balonius is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see http://unlicense.org/ or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.