Logo de Lleva Cuentas

Lleva Cuentas Codemagic build status

Built with Flutter Version Build Status License: MIT

Lleva Cuentas is a Flutter-based mobile application designed to help users track their income and expenses. Whether you're managing your personal finances or keeping track of expenses for someone else, Lleva Cuentas provides a simple and intuitive way to record transactions and monitor your financial activity.


  • Transaction Management: Easily add, edit, and categorize income and expense transactions.
  • Expense Categories: Organize transactions into customizable categories for better tracking and analysis.
  • Budget Tracking: Set monthly budgets for different expense categories and monitor your spending against these budgets.
  • Reports and Analytics: Generate reports and visualizations to gain insights into your financial habits and trends.
  • Export Options: Export your transaction data to PDF format for easy sharing and archiving.
  • Security: Protect your financial data with password protection and secure storage mechanisms.


To install Lleva Cuentas, simply download it from the Google Play Store.


Lleva Cuentas is built using Flutter and utilizes various packages for its functionality. Some of the key dependencies include:

  • sqflite
  • pdf
  • path_provider
  • intl
  • open_filex
  • share_plus

For more details, please refer to the pubspec.yaml file in the repository.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4


Contributions to Lleva Cuentas are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Lleva Cuentas is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Next Steps

Here are some potential next steps and improvements planned for Lleva Cuentas:

  • Migration to Newer Version of Flutter: Upgrade the app to utilize the latest features and improvements in Flutter, ensuring compatibility and performance enhancements.
  • Enhanced Budgeting Features: Implement advanced budgeting features such as custom budget periods, recurring transactions, and expense forecasts.
  • Improved Reporting: Enhance reporting capabilities with additional visualization options, customizable report templates, and data export formats.
  • Localization: Add support for multiple languages to make the app accessible to a wider audience.

Feel free to contribute ideas or suggestions for further improvement!