Installation and Setup

  • Clone the repo

    git clone

  • Switch the develop branch

    git fetch origin main

  • Navigate to the folder

    cd watchlist

  • create a virual env

    python 3 -m venv venv

  • Activate the venv


  • Install the required packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Created db on Postgresql

    CREATE DATABASE watchlist

  • Run migrations

    python db migrate

  • Run server python runserver

  • Run configurations configurations for the app are contained in the sample.env you can copy and paste the structure and add it to a .env file

    $ cp sample.env .env

  • navigate back to root and run python

  • use postman to test the endpoints

Endpoint Method description
/api/v1/register POST add a new user
/api/v1/login POST User Login token
/api/v1/movies POST create new movie resource auth required
/api/v1/movie/id GET User logout