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Unsullied TODO list

This repository contains Api endpoints for Unsullied TODO list.Unsullied TODO list is a django REST api that performs simple CRUD operations on a TODO list.The application allows users to add to a list of things they want to do,Edit existing things they want to do, Delete some of the task they had listed to do and mark done the things they have done on the list.

The minimum required endpoint are

Endpoint Description
POST/Add to the list This endpoint adds a new task to the TODO list
GET/List all tasks This endpoint lists all tasks in the TODO list
GET/List single task This endpoint lists a single task in the TODO list
UPDATE/Edit existing task This endpoint edits an existing task in the TODO list
DELETE/Drop an existing task This endpoint deletes and existing task from the TODO list

How to run the application

  • Download the application
   Open the terminal
   git clone
  • configure the application and dependancies
  cd unsullied-DRF
  python3 -m venv venv
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  python makemigrations
  python migrate
  • Run the application
   python runserver

How to run the tests

  • Download the application
   Open the terminal
   git clone
  • configure the application and dependancies
  cd unsullied-DRF
  python3 -m venv venv
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  python makemigrations
  python migrate
  • Run the application
   python tests

Team Members

Kwanj. Nesh. Sly. Kelvin. Allan. Sammy.