
AgR eRI cluster easybuild easyconfig files

Primary LanguageRoff


AgR eRI cluster and OnDemand easybuild easyconfig files


DO NOT PUSH TO GIT FROM eri-apps-admin

Set Up

First time easybuilders do the following to create the root of your easybuildinstall: You only need to run this once

mkdir -p /agr/scratch/projects/2023-nesi_slurm_testing/$USER
cd /agr/scratch/projects/2023-nesi_slurm_testing/$USER
git clone https://github.com/nesi/eri-easyconfigs.git

dev builds as your user:

Source the config file to setup EB:

cd /agr/scratch/projects/2023-nesi_slurm_testing/$USER/eri-easyconfigs 
source /agr/persist/apps/share/ebinit.sh
git pull
eb f/foo.eb

to test

module use /agr/scratch/projects/2023-nesi_slurm_testing/mattb/easybuildinstall/rocky8/modules/
<tool> --version # or more relevent tests

edit, build and test as user then push to repo

Production builds

as eri-apps-admin user:

sudo -i -u eri-apps-admin

cd to build path and source as above

source /agr/persist/apps/share/ebinit.sh
cd /home/eri-apps-admin/eri-easyconfigs
git pull

Build to the modules as production

eb foo.eb

The resulting .lua module is then available at /agr/persist/apps/eri_rocky8/modules/all/<tool>/<tool.lua>

Apps Amin Directories

modules - /agr/persist/apps/eri_rocky8/
containers - /agr/persist/apps/containers/<name>/<name.sif>
databases - /agr/persist/apps/databases/<name>/<version>


RST Wiki with more complete software build notes and guides. https://nznesi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/nesiproj/pages/504037498/Software+installs+on+Mahuika+M+ui+eRI

Tool for simplyfying the update of R and Python modules https://github.com/fizwit/easy_update