
A Puppet module for managing the PostgreSQL database service, and define users, roles, and databases as resources.

Primary LanguagePuppet




Yet another PostgreSQL module for puppet, but so far most of them seem incomplete.

The aim of this module is to provide:

  • A paramaterised class to install the PostgreSQL service
  • A paramaterised class to install the PostgreSQL client
  • A resource definition for PostgreSQL databases
  • A resource definition for PostgreSQL users (a.k.a roles)
  • A resource definition for access rules in pg_hba.conf

To install into puppet

Clone into your puppet configuration in your puppet/modules directory:

git clone git://github.com/nesi/puppet-postgresql.git postgresql

Or if you're managing your Puppet configuration with git, in your puppet directory:

	git submodule add git://github.com/nesi/puppet-postgresql.git modules/postgresql --init --recursive
	cd modules/postgresql
	git checkout master
	git pull
	cd ../..
	git commit -m "added postgresql submodule from https://github.com/nesi/puppet-postgresql"

It might seem bit excessive, but it will make sure the submodule isn't headless...

Using the PostgreSQL installer classes

Thes classes have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, they do not have any other requirements.

PostgreSQL installation with default settings

This will install the PostgreSQL service and the client with default settings on a puppet node:

	include postgresql

Install only the PostgreSQL client

With the default parameters:

	include postgresql::client

Parameters for postgresql::client

  • version: Specifies the version of the PostgreSQL client to be installed, defaults to '9.1'

Install the PostgreSQL Service

NOTE: The resource definitions require that both the PostgreSQL server is installed with the client. This may be changed if there is a need to 'just' install the service and not use the resource definitions.

With the default parameters:

	include postgresql::server


  • version: Specifies the PostgreSQL service version to install, defaults to '9.1'
  • listen_addresses: Specifies a comma separated list of IP addresses and/or host names that the PostgreSQL service will listen on, defaults to 'localhost'
  • max_connections: Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections, defaults to 100
  • shared_buffers: Specifies the amount of memory to use in the shared buffers, defaults to '24MB'
  • psql_port: Specifies the TCP port that the PostgreSQL service will listen on, defaults to '5432'

Using the PostgreSQL resource definitions

These definitions have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, they require the puppet::server class, which can be done in the node definition, or in another puppet module.

PostgreSQL command definition

This defines a command to be execuded using the psql client on the server. Currently it runs locally on the PostgreSQL server. It's used as a wrapper around the psql client to in the other resource definitions in this module.

NOTE: To use this resource will need two SQL statements, one that is to be executed, and second SQL check that returns a 0 exit code when the first statement should not be run.

A minimal execution:

			sql      	=> "CREATE ROLE gort WITH LOGIN",
			sqlcheck 	=> "\"SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usename = 'gort'\" | grep gort",


  • user: The PostgreSQL user running the command, defaults to 'postgres'
  • password: The PostgreSQL user's password, which defaults to 'false' meaning use passwordless methods of accessing PostgreSQL.
  • host: The host name of the PostgreSQL server, this defaults to 'localhost'. (not yet tested on remote database servers)
  • database: This is tne name of the database to which the SQL statement is to be submitted to, defaults to 'postgres'
  • sql: This is the SQL statement to be submitted, this is a required parameter and has no default. The statement will need to be a safe string, there are no sanity checks on SQL statements.
  • sqlcheck: This is a SQL statement used to check if the statement given in the sql parameter should not be executed. This parameter is required and there is no default. This statement needs to include escaped quotes (e.g "SELECT foo FROM baa") and permits the addition of pipes at the end of the statement to test the statement's output. | grep ${foo};if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true;fi; is a useful construct for inverting the test's exit code as it's not possible to prefix ! to a pipe.
  • timeout: Changes the timeoute in seconds to wait for the sql and sqlcheck statements to complete, defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
  • logoutput: If set to 'true' this will log output to the Puppet logs, defaults to 'false'.

PostgreSQL Database definition

This resource definition ensures that a specific PostgreSQL database is present, or absent.

WARNING: Using this to define that a database is absent will DROP the database without prejucide, confirmation, or anything. The database will be gone.

Minimal database definition:

	postgresql::database{'monkeybase': ensure => present}

The ensure property isn't necessary, but makes it explicitly clear in you Puppet declarations what the intended action is. This will create a database named 'monkeybase' whith the 'postgres' user as the owner.


  • ensure: Declares if the database should be 'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present'. Seen previous WARNING about the risks of declaring a database 'absent'.
  • owner: Sets the user who will own the database, defaults to 'postgres'. The user is required to have been defined using postgresql::user.
  • logoutput: If set to 'true' the output from the command creating the database will be logged to puppet, defaults to 'false'.

PostgreSQL User definition

This resource definition ensures that a PostgreSQL database user is present or absent.

Maybe this definition should be 'role', or have an alias...

Minimal user definition:

	postgresql::user('monkeys': ensure => present)

This will ensure the user 'monkeys' is created in PostgreSQL with no password.


  • ensure: Declares if the user should be 'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present'
  • password: Sets the user's password, defaults to 'false' which creates a user with no password.
  • encrypt: If set to 'true' a user's password will be ENCRYPTED, defaults to false.
  • logoutput: If set to 'true' the output from the command creating the user will be logged to puppet, defaults to 'false'.

PostgreSQL access rules for pg_hba.conf definition

NOTE: only the 'local' type has been tested


  • ensure: Declares if this entry should be 'present' or 'absent', defaults to present
  • type: Set's the access rule type, only types 'local' and 'host' are supported, defaults to 'local'
  • databases: A list of databases for this accessrule, defaults to ['all']
  • user: A user for this access rule, defaults to 'all'
  • host: The host name of the remote client being granted access to the PostgreSQL server, defaults to 'false' which indicates no hosts given.
  • auth_method: Defines the authentication method that is required, defaults to 'md5'. Only 'md5', 'trust', 'reject', 'peer', 'password' methods are supported.

To do...

  • have the psql command definition excute on remote PostgreSQL servers, it should, but it hasn't been tested.
  • Check that sql and sqlcheck statements are sane and safe.
  • Something that can dump databases
  • Something that can back up and restore databases
  • More user creation parameters.
  • Access rules should require the databases and users
  • Access rules should handle lists of users.


This module has used snippets from the following puppet-postgresql projects:

These were all good, but didn't meet all our requirements.


Written by Aaron Hicks (hicksa@landcareresearch.co.nz) for the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License