A Quote app which is very like instagram. I made this app to publish in play store but because of virtual server prices and some other reasons, i did not publish it. The main purpose of this app is to join book lovers in the app.

You can download apk file from here


  • You can signup, login (using Google account or own password) or continue as guest.
  • You can get quotes in genres you selected in your home page.
  • You can share own quotes that you have taken from books you read.
  • You get notifications when your quote has been liked
  • You can add books that don't exist in app.
  • You can follow users, books to get new quotes when added.
  • You can report users, books or quotes that is inappropriate
  • You can share quote both as text and image(by giving any style you want)
  • 🔥 Technologies i used

    • Kotlin
    • MVVM Architecture
    • Dagger Hilt
    • View Binding
    • Kotlin Coroutines
    • Backend is made using Node JS and mongoDB by me

    📷 Screenshots from app

    Splash Screen Login Screen Signup
    Select Genres Home Screen Light Theme
    Notifications Settings My Profile
    Edit Profile Search Quotes Search Books
    Book Profile Add Quote Download Quote