
Youtube like video API

Primary LanguageC#

Videons - Video API

Youtube like video sharing platform clone using .NET 6, Entity Framework, PostgreSQL.

This is just backend repository.

Used Packages

  1. Entity Framework - ORM
  2. PostgreSQL - Database
  3. JWTBearer - Authentication
  4. AutoMapper - Object mapping
  5. AutoFac - Dependency Injection

Some Features

  1. Login/Signup
  2. Add/Update Channel
  3. Add/Update Category
  4. Change
  5. Playlists
  7. History
  8. More...

Running locally

After setting the postgre, at the root of your project run these commands.

dotnet build
cd Videons.DataAccess
dotnet ef migrations add [Migration Name]  --startup-project ../Videons.WebAPI --output-dir Migrations 
dotnet ef database update --startup-project ../Videons.WebAPI 

Then you can see the data in the database. You can authorize the api using the token and the authentication method. Like as shown below.



Original repo:Youtube Clone