Youtube like video sharing platform clone using .NET 6, Entity Framework, PostgreSQL.
This is just backend repository.
- Entity Framework - ORM
- PostgreSQL - Database
- JWTBearer - Authentication
- AutoMapper - Object mapping
- AutoFac - Dependency Injection
- Login/Signup
- Add/Update Channel
- Add/Update Category
- Change
- Playlists
- Comments
- History
- More...
After setting the postgre, at the root of your project run these commands.
dotnet build
cd Videons.DataAccess
dotnet ef migrations add [Migration Name] --startup-project ../Videons.WebAPI --output-dir Migrations
dotnet ef database update --startup-project ../Videons.WebAPI
Then you can see the data in the database. You can authorize the api using the token and the authentication method. Like as shown below.
Original repo:Youtube Clone