
Automated photometry pipeline for LCOGT

Primary LanguagePython


This repository stores codes to perform aperture photometry on a set of images from the LCOGT network. It supports data from all LCOGT sites.

Author: Néstor Espinoza (nsespino@uc.cl)


This code makes use of the following python libraries:

+ Numpy.
+ Scipy.
+ Pyfits.
+ Beautiful Soup (https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/).
+ Astropy (http://www.astropy.org/).
+ PhotUtils (http://photutils.readthedocs.io/).
+ Astroquery (https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
+ funpack (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/fpack/).
+ matplotlib.
+ jdcal.
+ ephem.
+ ray.

All of them are open source and can be easily installed in any machine.

Furthermore, it optionally makes use of the astrometry package (if your images dont have an astrometric solution or you want to compute it yourself with the pipeline), which can be downloaded from here:


Instructions useful for Mac users on how to install this package might be found here:



The code does not need heavy installing of anything once the dependencies are installed. However, some setup is needed for each system and/or photometric run, and these are defined in the setup.dat file that you can fill with your information.

Under the FOLDER OPTIONS of the setup file, you have to fill the folders on which the funpack and the astrometry executables are. For funpack it is usually of the form /yourpath/cfitsio/, while for astrometry they are usually of the form /yourpath/astrometry/bin/.

Under the USER OPTIONS, you might define some user-defined properties:

SENDEMAIL                 If set to True, an email will be sent from an user-defined e-mail address 
                          to an user-defined e-mail address with information regarding the reduced 
                          data (lightcurves and images).

EMAILSENDER               E-mail of the e-mail sender. Currently supports only gmail accounts. 
                          Note the gmail account has to be habilitated for this via the less 
                          secure apps: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps

EMAILSENDER_PASSWORD      Password of the e-mail sender defined above.

EMAILRECEIVER             If SENDEMAIL is set to True, this is a comma-separated list of e-mails that 
                          will receive the e-mail with the information regarding the reduced data.

Under the PHOTOMETRY OPTIONS you can tweak what the pipeline will do:

ASTROMETRY                If set to True, the pipeline will automatically perform the photometry.
                          For current LCOGT images this is not needed, so you might want to set it 
                          to False.

GFASTROMETRY              If set to True, the astrometry will be performed on a copy of the original 
                          image where a gaussian filter will be performed. This greatly 
                          improves the astrometric solution on highly defocused images.


Once all of the above is installed, using the code is easy. However, it relies on having internet connection:

  1. First, edit the userdata.dat file and fill in a project name and a folder where the data is for that project. It is assumed inside the project folder there is another folder named LCOGT/raw, which contains the data for different dates. For example, if the project folder for the project kpBRIGHTSTARS is /data/keyproject/bright_stars/, it is assumed the folder /data/keyproject/bright_stars/LCOGT/raw exists, and contains the data for different dates in separate folders (e.g., /data/keyproject/bright_stars/LCOGT/raw/20170213 ).

  2. From terminal, go to the pipeline folder (cd pipeline) and run:

    python automatic_lcogt.py -project NAMEOFTHEPROJECT -ndays N

    Where NAMEOFTHEPROJECT corresponds to the project in the userdata.dat file that you filled in in step 1. This will run the pipeline and save the products under a red folder, inside the project's folder (e.g., if the project was kpBRIGHTSTARS, products will be saved in /data/keyproject/bright_stars/LCOGT/red). The pipeline will generate photometry for all the datasets in the folder for which no photometry is yet available that have dates (which is measured from the folder name, i.e., if the dataset is in /data/keyproject/bright_stars/LCOGT/red/20170320 it assumes the dataset is from 2017/03/20) whithin N days from today (measured from your computer's date; if the -ndays input is not given, it is assumed N is 7, i.e., check data only one week appart from today).

If you are interested in what the pipeline does, read the next section. If you don't care, move to the "Products" section.


In the background, what the pipeline does is to use the pipeline/get_photometry_lcogt.py code to get the photometry for all the stars in the field for all the images. It first identifies the objects in the image by doing a query to 2MASS (previous to running an astrometric solution with astrometry, if the images don't have it). This photometry is stored in a photometry.pkl file in the red folder.

Once this is done, the code calls the post_processing/transit_photometry.py code to generate differential photometry for the target star. In order to identify the target star for which differential photometry should be performed, the code uses the object name in the headers of the images and queries the Kepler webpage, Simbad, or the manual_object_coords.dat file in this folder (in that order). If the target name is not identified in any of these cases, then no differential photometry is performed and you have to perform it on your own. Aperture photometry is performed for 5 apertures: opt, 5, 15, 20 and 30 pixels. The opt aperture is an optimal aperture calculated on the rms of the lightcurve; the get_photometry_lcogt.py code does apertures from 5 pixels to 50 pixels, and the post_processing/transit_photometry.py code searches for the aperture with the smallest RMS.

It is important to note that the differential photometry performed by the code is based on first combining the 10 comparison stars closer in brightness and color to the target, and then generating a "super comparison" star with those, which is finally divided to the target star. This is done in order to not "touch" the target star, so the target could have systematic effects/trends arising from airmass, variability, etc. In general these are useful, because one can later detrend the resulting lightcurve with other methods.


The products of the automatic_lcogt.py code are stored in the red folder for each date and for each target. Inside, you will find:

  1. The photometry.pkl file, which contains all the aperture photometry for all the stars in the field for all the apertures (5 to 50 pixels).

  2. Folders named sinistro_ap, where ap is one of the apertures in pixels. The folder sinistro (without aperture number) is the folder that contains the optimal aperture (see previous section).

Each of the sinistro_ap folders contain two .dat files: the one with the norm_flux.dat sufix contains the times (in BJD), relative flux and error on the relative flux of the (corrected by the comparison stars) target star, while the other .dat file contains the same in differential magnitudes.

The folder LC is very important, as it contains the differential magnitude of the target and the comparison stars in the .epdlc format, which is useful if you want to detrend your data or play with other ways of combining the extracted fluxes of the target and its comparison stars. This format contains lots of information, but the most important are the following columns: (0) file name, (1) times in BJD, (2) relative magnitude of the target, (3) error on the magnitude, (17) Centroid (X-axis) on the image, (18) Centroid (Y-axis) on the image, (19) Background flux, (20) Error on background flux, (21) (2.35/FWHM)^2 (not useful for defocused images), (22) Hour angle and (23) Zenith angle.

The post_processing_outputs folder contains the photometry for all the apertures in .dat files, similar to the .dat files inside the sinistro_ap folders.

Finally, all the other folders contain images in png format of the target and the comparison stars.


In the eventuality in which the post-processing fails, you can do it yourself inside the post_processing folder. A common usage is:

       python transit_photometry.py -project NAMEOFTHEPROJECT -datafolder 20160520 -target_name TARGETNAME -ra "14:00:00" -dec " -60:00:00" --plt_images

This will save the photometry in the red/20160520 folder inside the project NAMEOFTHEPROJECT for the target TARGETNAME.