
A blogging platform written using Padrino and mongoid

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an aspiring project intended to be a blogging platform similar to scanty or Typo. The intent is primarily to provide a simple platform built upon Sinatra, Padrino, and Mongoid allowing the easy management and deployment of a relatively full-featured blog.


Right now this is not much more than an experiment! So please use this at your own risk until this message is removed. Demo is at MongoBlog Demo


Right now the best way to install this is to checkout from the git repository:

git clone git://github.com/nesquena/mongo_blog.git
cd mongo_blog
sudo bundle install

This will setup the blog and all necessary gem dependencies. The only step now is to setup passenger, apache, etc to properly route requests to the application. In the future, I plan to make this process as easy as reasonably possible.


MongoBlog will have all the essential features expected of a blog:

  • Creating entries
  • Multiple author accounts
  • Basic entry tagging
  • Easily skinnable to meet your needs
  • Archiving old posts
  • Automatic RSS and Atom generation
  • Markdown syntax support
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • Comments via Disqus
  • Web framework = Padrino
  • ORM = Mongoid (MongoDB)


There are no comments by default. If you wish to activate comments, create an account and a website on Disqus (disqus.com) and enter the website shortname as the :disqus_shortname value in the Blog config struct.