Nekoton bridge for flutter

This package based on flutter_rust_bridge generator.

Getting Started 🚀

You should start installing the main things:

Then your adventure continues by installing dependencies:

cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
flutter pub add --dev ffigen && flutter pub add ffi
cargo install cargo-xcode
rustup target add \
    aarch64-linux-android \
    armv7-linux-androideabi \
    x86_64-linux-android \
cargo install cargo-ndk --version 2.6.0
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios-sim
dart pub global activate melos

At this point, all preparations should be completed and we can start compiling the library.

Melos magic 🪄

Using melos makes it very easy to work with the project, so enjoy.

You can run any job interactively run running melos run and selecting needed case or directly (e.g. melos run test).

Bootstrap 🏁

Melos takes care about dependencies of all packages, including managing of local-generated library version. So, just run:

melos bs

Build 🪛

The library consists of dart files and platform-specific binaries. has a hard 100 MB upload limit, so we can't distribute platform-specific (they can be really huge!) this way. So, we should use something like Github releases for distribute it. Commands below will build everything for two platforms:

melos run build:apple
melos run build:android

You can find platform-build/ and platform-build/android.tar.gz in case of success. Rust build cache will be in target/ directory.

Clean up 🧹

Just run commands below to clean all, including build directories and flutter projects.

melos clean

Example 🤡

You can find dumbest example in packages/flutter_nekoton_bridge/example. During build scripts will copy platform-specific binaries from platform-build/ folder, or download prebuild binaries from github (if you don't build binaries locally).

You can open the project in Android studio or Visual studio code, or even build and run it using flutter run.

iOS build 

Please don't forget to install pods if you don't use flutter run.

pod install

During build scripts copies platform-specific binaries to packages/flutter_nekoton_bridge/ios/Frameworks/netokon_bridge*.zip and unpack it to packages/flutter_nekoton_bridge/ios/Frameworks/NekotonBridge.xcframework/. It's a good idea to check this things if something went wrong.

Android build 🤖

During build scripts copies platform-specific binaries to packages/flutter_nekoton_bridge/android/netokon_bridge.tar.gz and unpack it to packages/flutter_nekoton_bridge/android/src/main/jniLibs/. It's also a good idea to check this things if something went wrong.

Tests ✔️

You can run dart, flutter and integration tests: melos run test:dart, melos run test:flutter or melos run test:integration. You can also run all tests at one by running melos run test.

Code analysis

You can run code analysis: melos run analyze. It will analyze all dart code, including subpackages.

Code format

melos run check-format will check, melos run format will fix dart code formatting.

Rust code format and analysis

melos run check-rust will ckeck and analyze rust code.

Prepare to commit

melos run check-all will ckeck, analyze and run all tests. In future this thing will be in git pre-comit hook.

Conventional Commits ❤️

This magic will update version and build our library automatically using commit messages and tags. Conventional Commits is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages.


At this time melos updates version for nekoton_bridge automatically, links it to flutter_nekoton_bridge (changes 'ref'), but don't update flutter_nekoton_bridge version itself. I don't know what to do with it, so we should fix it manually.