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The Last Word Will Be Mine!


This is a Solana-based on-chain game where players compete to have the last word on various topics. Users can create topics by paying a fixed fee and writing an initial comment. Others can reply by replacing the existing comment, with the cost increasing for each replacement, creating a dynamic competition.

Each topic can hold only one active comment at a time. Topics can be locked permanently after a set period, and the last commenter earns a larger share of the accumulated fees. When this happens, the topic creator receives a share of the accumulated fees, the last commenter earns a larger share along with a thematic NFT (TBD), and the topic becomes a permanent part of the game history.

While the topic has no comments, the topic creator can delete it and receive a full refund. The game challenges players to strategically manage their spending, compete for rewards, and claim the ultimate prize of having the “last word.”


  • Topic Creation: Players can create new topics.
  • Commenting: Players can comment on topics.
  • Rewards: Players earn rewards for having the last comment on a topic.
  • Game History: Topics with the last comment become a permanent part of the game history.

Game Mechanics


  • Topic Creation Fee: The fee for creating a new topic.
  • Topic Comment Fee: The fee for commenting on a topic.
  • Topic Comment Fee Increment: The increment in the comment fee for each subsequent comment on a topic.
  • Topic Lock Time: The time after which a topic can be locked.