Welcome to Ness PHP Framework. Do you need a web framework with minimized training effort? Ness PHP offers you a model-view-controller based environment for coding faster, safer and stronger web applications with (nearly) zero configuration. Get rid of mess and focus the main logic of your project. You can check out some key featues of the framework;
- Easy Project And Environment Configuration
- Simple Project Structure
- AutoPulse database automation library; This library can be used in nearly any database task of your projects.
- Easy Database Migration & Generation
- Template Engine, Master Pages & Widgets eliminates the need to write the same html code for each repetitive design every time
- Generate Queries with a powerful Query Builder class or simply run CRUD commands
- Create areas to divide big projects (Controller & View both supports Areas).
- Resource Class which is designed to help you to manage your static values like strings and image objects.
- Content Manager class helps you to import 3rd party resources to your web pages like; css, img, js or other html/php contents.
- Maintenance Mode Helps you to put your application with just one line of code to maintenance mode.
- Advanced Forms Class you can use Forms class for creating powerfull and secure forms.
- File Uploads are made to be easy.
You can access all topics of Ness PHP's from this link: Ness PHP User Manual
composer create-project nessphp/applicationYou can use the composer to get the last version of Ness PHP Framework.
Ness PHP is completely free(and always will be) for anyone organisations & personal use. It's maintained under MIT LICENCE. If you want to support Ness PHP you can use this link
For any suggestions or security vulnerabilities you can contact to Ness PHP author via email from nessphp@gmail.com