🤖 Aiogram-Webhook Template



  1. Clone this template:

    git clone https://github.com/nessshon/aiogram-webhook-template
  2. Go to the project folder:

    cd aiogram-webhook-template
  3. Create environment variables file:

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Configure environment variables file:

    nano .env
  5. Install requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run app:

    python -m app

Environment variables reference

Variable Type Description Example
BOT_TOKEN str Bot token, get it from @BotFather 123456:qweRTY
BOT_DEV_ID int User ID of the bot developer 123456789
BOT_ADMIN_ID int User ID of the bot administrator 123456789
APP_HOST str The host address where the app is running localhost
APP_PORT int The port number on which the app is listening 8000
WEBHOOK_DOMAIN str The domain of the webhook https://example.com
WEBHOOK_PATH str The path of the webhook /bot
REDIS_HOST str The hostname or IP address of the Redis server localhost
REDIS_PORT int The port number on which the Redis server is running 6379
REDIS_DB int The Redis database number 1
DB_HOST str The hostname or IP address of the database server localhost
DB_PORT int The port number on which the database server is running 3306
DB_USERNAME str The username for accessing the database user
DB_PASSWORD str The password for accessing the database password
DB_DATABASE str The name of the database dbname