Simple, small game rental store web application.
- ENTITY FRAMEWORK 6 (Domain Models - Code First Workflow, Seeding the Database, Overriding Conventions - Data Annotations, Linq, Eager Loading).
- BUILDING FORMS (HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP, Model Binding, Saving/Updating Data).
- IMPLEMENTING VALIDATION (Server-side Validation - Data Annotations and Custom Validation, Client-side Validation, Anti-forgery Tokens).
- ASP.NET WEB API - Building RESTful Services (JSON, Data Transfer Objects, Auto Mapper).
- CLIENT-SIDE DEVELOPMENT (Calling the API Using JQuery Ajax, Bootbox, DataTables with Ajax Source, Typeahead, Toastr).
- ASP.NET IDENTITY - Authentication and Authorization (Access, Users and Roles, Adding Profile Data, OAuth, Social Networks Logins).
- PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION - Three Tier Architecture (Db Schema, Db Queries - Glimpse, Output Cache, Data Cache, Bundle Config).
- DEPLOYMENT (Build Configurations, Application Settings, Custom Error Pages, Logging Unhandled Exceptions - Elmah).