
Tools for setting up and running pipelines in a Data Analytics and Production System (DAPS).

Primary LanguagePython

daps_utils Build Status

Tools for setting up and running pipelines in a Data Analytics and Production System (DAPS).


pip install https://github.com/nestauk/daps_utils/archive/dev.zip

Automatic Git Calendar Versioning

If you need to be convinced why CalVer is right for you (which it might not be), then you can find some decent arguments on the CalVer "homepage". Anyway, the following command line tool will set it up on your git repository:

$ calver-init

It has one prerequisite: you must be calling calver-init from a git repository (i.e. you have called git init and then git commit at least once).

Whatever the name of your git repo, for example daps_utils, your VERSION file will be found under a subdirectory of the same name, for example daps_utils/VERSION. And now every time your call git commit in this repository your VERSION file will be amended accordingly. The versioning scheme adheres to the following pattern:

YY.MM.DD.{git branch}


A luigi task for running containerized metaflow flows in luigi pipelines; giving you portability, a scheduler and a neat segmentation of nitty-gritty tasks (in metaflow) and data pipelines (in luigi). Make sure you've read the first-time usage instructions before proceeding.

Why run metaflow in luigi?

Metaflow is a great lightweight microframework for developing data science pipelines, with integrated batching functionality. A lot of the heavy-lifting of production development is abstracted away, allowing developers to do their own thing without having to worry too much about portability.

On the issue of portability, however, a couple of problems can arise however when really putting metaflow flows into production. The first is the environment - what if different parts of your production infrastructure are being developed on different operating systems (or even OS versions)? This is easy to fix - just containerize it with docker, obviously.

The second issue is with regards to a central scheduler - which metaflow deliberately doesn't have. There is the indication from the metaflow developers that you can use AWS Step Functions for this, which is perfectly valid. However, in the spirit of not tying everything into a single cloud provider**, we advocate using an open-source central scheduler which you can deploy yourself such as airflow or luigi. At nesta we've been using luigi for a little while, and so that was our shallow design choice.

And so that is MetaflowTask: a luigi task for running containerized metaflow flows in luigi pipelines; giving you portability, a scheduler and a neat segmentation of nitty-gritty tasks (in metaflow) and data pipelines (in luigi).

**noting the hypocritical caveat that MetaflowTask relies on AWS's S3 and Batch (via metaflow.batch), although it is our assumption that these are quite shallow dependencies and so will diversify as the metaflow open source community matures.

First-time usage

In order to use MetaflowTask, you will need to have your repository set up accordingly. After installing daps-utils, the following command will do this for you (note that this will also set up calendar versioning):

$ metaflowtask-init <REPONAME>

This assumes you have already repository structure like this:

└── REPONAME     # <--- Call `metaflowtask-init <REPONAME>` from here
    ├── REPONAME
    │   └── [...]
    └── [...]

and will result in a directory structure like this:

    ├── REPONAME
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── __initplus__.py
    │   ├── config
    │   │   └── metaflowtask
    │   │       ├── Dockerfile-base
    │   │       ├── Dockerfile
    │   │       └── launch.sh
    │   ├── flows
    │   │   └── examples
    │   │       └── s3_example
    │   │           └── s3_example.py
    │   └── [...]
    └── [...]

Don't worry if you already have an __init__.py file - it will only be amended, not overwritten. Similarly, if you already have a config/ directory then only the metaflowtask will be overwritten, so don't worry about other files or subdirectories in the config/ directory. The same is true of flows/example/s3_example.py.


From your flows directory, note your flow's path, for example example/s3_example.py. Assuming that you have configured AWS and metaflow according to their own instructions, you should be able to run s3_example.py example locally with:

python s3_example.py run

Look inside s3_example.py and note the usage of the DapsFlowMixin class mixin. This is critical for your metaflow flow to talk with your luigi task:

from daps_utils import DapsFlowMixin

class MyFlow(FlowSpec, DapsFlowMixin):
    [...]  # Do something

There are only a small number of requirements for your flow to run via MetaflowTask:

  • Firstly, make sure you are using the DapsFlowMixin class mixin with your flow.
  • If your flow has any external dependencies, you will need to include a requirements.txt in your flow directory to specify the python environment.
  • If your flow will not run out-of-the-box on Amazon Linux 2, then you'll need to specify your container environment. Take a look at the docker environment in config/metaflowtask (the base environment is built by Dockerfile-base, which is then built on-top-of using Dockerfile). If you need your own base environment you should include a Dockerfile-base in the flow directory (and also a Dockerfile), or just a slight variation you should just include a Dockerfile in your flow directory.
  • Similarly, if you need the entrypoint / runtime to be more sophisticated than python path/to/flow.py run, you can specify custom behaviour by copying and editing the config/metaflowtask/launch.sh script to your flow directory.

Therefore, the minimum your flow directory should look like should be:

└── my_flow_directory
	└── my_flow.py

and the maximum your flow directory should look like would be:

└── my_flow_directory
	├── Dockerfile-base   # <-- If you specify this, you will also need to specify "Dockerfile"
	├── Dockerfile        # <-- Can specify this on it's own, if you're happy with "Dockerfile-base"
	├── launch.sh         # <-- Can specify this on it's own, if you're happy with "Dockerfile"
	├── requirements.txt  # <-- Only required if you have external python dependencies
	└── my_flow.py        # <-- You always need this, this is your flow. Don't forget to use the `DapsFlowMixin` class mixin

You can then run add your "luigi" MetaflowTask as follows:

import luigi
from daps_utils import MetaflowTask

class RootTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
	def requires(self):
		return MetaflowTask('examples/s3_example/s3_example.py')

which you can run with (optionally with the --local-scheduler flag if running locally):

$ PYTHONPATH=/path/to/REPONAME/:$PWD luigi --module examples_tasks RootTask [--local-scheduler]

(FYI, the reason for PYTHONPATH=/path/to/REPONAME is so that MetaflowTask can resolve your flow directory. PYTHONPATH=$PWD on the other hand is so that luigi can resolve your pipeline, assuming that your pipeline is in the current working directory.)

Note that the full set of arguments for _MetaflowTask are:

argument value, default description
flow_path str Path to your flow, relative to the flows directory.
flow_tag str Choice of either "dev" or "production", to be passed as a --tag to your flow.
rebuild_base bool, default=False Whether or not to rebuild the docker image from scratch (starting with Dockerfile-base then Dockerfile). Only do this if you have changed Dockerfile-base.
rebuild_flow bool, default=True Whether or not to rebuild the docker image from the base image upwards (only implementing Dockerfile, not Dockerfile-base). This is done by default to include the latest changes to your flow.
flow_kwargs dict, default={} Keyword arguments to pass to your flow as parameters (e.g. {'foo':'bar'} will be passed to the flow as --foo bar).
container_kwargs dict, default={} Additional keyword arguments to pass to the docker run command, e.g. mem_limit for setting the memory limit. See the python-docker docs for full information.
requires_task luigi.Task, default=None Any task that this task is dependent on.
requires_task_kwargs dict, default={} Keyword arguments to pass to any dependent task, if applicable.
  • flow_path (str): Path to your flow, relative to the flows directory
  • daps_pkg (str): Name of the package (in your PYTHONPATH) where your flows directory can be found.
  • flow_tag (str): Choice of either "dev" or "production", to be passed as a --tag to your flow.
  • rebuild_base (bool, default=False): Whether or not to rebuild the docker image from scratch (starting with Dockerfile-base then Dockerfile). Only do this if you have changed Dockerfile-base.
  • rebuild_flow (bool, default=True): Whether or not to rebuild the docker image from the base image upwards (only implementing Dockerfile, not Dockerfile-base). This is done by default to include the latest changes to your flow.
  • flow_kwargs (dict, default={}): Keyword arguments to pass to your flow as parameters (e.g. {'foo':'bar'} will be passed to the flow as metaflow example.py run --foo bar).
  • preflow_kwargs (dict, default={}): Keyword arguments to pass to metaflow BEFORE the run command (e.g. {'foo':'bar'} will be passed to the flow as metaflow example.py --foo bar run).
  • container_kwargs (dict, default={}): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the docker run command, e.g. mem_limit for setting the memory limit. See the python-docker docs for full information.
  • requires_task (luigi.Task, default=None): Any task that this task is dependent on.
  • requires_task_kwargs (dict, default={}): Keyword arguments to pass to any dependent task, if applicable.

Where should my luigi tasks live?

That's your design choice, but our production directory structure is like:

    ├── REPONAME
    │   ├── flows
    │   │   └── examples
    │   │       ├── s3_example
    │   │       │   ├── requirements.txt
    │   │       │   └── s3_example.py
    │   │       └── batch_example
    │   │           ├── requirements.txt
    │   │           └── batch_example.py
    │   └── tasks
    │       └── examples
    │           └── examples_tasks.py
    └── [...]

For contributors

After cloning the repo, you will need to run bash install.sh from the repository root. This will setup automatic calendar versioning for you, and also some checks on your working branch name. For avoidance of doubt, branches must be linked to a GitHub issue and named accordingly:

{GitHub issue number}_{Tiny description}

For example 6_readme, which indicates that this branch refered to this issue.